Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
I don't really trust our learned judges as they have demonstrated many inconsistencies in the past.
I think they are smart enough to know that not ruling in favour of parliament having a debate would seriously damage the status of the Supreme Court, inviting widespread contempt.

This matter is just too political for them to intervene with anything other than upholding the accepted status quo of our parliamentary democracy.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Trump has announced that US companies that choose to build factories outside of the US will have tariffs imposed when trying to sell those goods in the US. US companies which choose to build factories in the US will be offered big tax reductions.
It isn't that long that Ford Motor Co has built the largest car assembly plant in the world in Nanjing???
This is Ford's 3rd big plant in China
In my travels in China I see massive plants for American corporations,General Electric medical equipment is everywhere,closing these plants would be massive investment losses for US companies,also swopping 2 dollar for 15 dollar labour rates.
Big decisions.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
What have Theresa's Mays coat and Brexit got in common....
They were put together without a plan.
They were made up from last years ideas.
The designer was confused.
They are examples of what Britain can offer to the world post Brexit.
They both look a bad idea that will get worse with wear.
They both look like s.......
Emperor's new clothes,hehe !!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
now that the Supreme Court is likely to confirm that the last referendum is advisory, can someone explain to me the logic of both houses, believed to be against brexit in majority, yet to vote for A50?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
That would be called parliamentary democracy I think... :rolleyes:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Independent
Donald Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer says 'we can sometimes disagree with the facts'

That is surely the theme of Brexit too?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
From the Independent
Donald Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer says 'we can sometimes disagree with the facts'

That is surely the theme of Brexit too?
Dangerous times ahead... Did they get hold of Goebbels DNA and make a clone or what?
now that the Supreme Court is likely to confirm that the last referendum is advisory, can someone explain to me the logic of both houses, believed to be against brexit in majority, yet to vote for A50?
I went for a drink with a members of the house of Lords on Friday night (Lord Scriven). There were a small group of us (less than 10) who he met with to discuss things.

It was very interesting and I came away positive and motivated.

I could write pages on the discussion, the problems the UK faces, the way the various parties think they can solve the problems etc etc.

There was lots discussed in confidence, but I think its safe to say there is a growing will amongst MPs and Lords to do what they believe is right for their constituents and not blindly follow a confusing and in some ways impossible message that was delivered by the will of the people.

He said (in a lot more words) there are lots of problems in the UK, lots of issues with community and perceived and actual ladders to progression, lots of scapegoating etc etc. But he was very clear in his opinion that Brexit won't solve them.

The hope is that we'll realise before its too late that the right wing, nationalistic, inward looking views currently being pushed will not solve the issues and is just pandering to a populist view point dominated by old white guys (no offense to any old white guys who don't fit this stereotype), looking for other people to blame for the failings of their generation.

Things need to change, clearly... but not in this direction.

The last 12 months have finally seen the political parties move away from a position where it wasn't that clear of their differences. Now at least there is clear ground for people to see what they are voting for.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
it isn't a problem for an individual like me who voted to remain and accept the opposite result. Logic says if our lawmakers vote for brexit, then they agree that brexit is the right way. Did they change their mind?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That would be called parliamentary democracy I think... :rolleyes:
Actually it is the final proof that the rule of Westminster is utterly unfit for the purpose for which is tasked, Government of the people, for the people by the people.
For by what logical process have we ended up here today?
For a generation the public have been fed lies about who is responsible for the state of the country.

By a narrow majority in an advisory only referendum they thought they were lashing out against what the Government wanted, and against an immigration situation that has been blown out of proportion, but half of which was already in the Governments power to control, but it never has, nor will it.

The Government will not alter that policy, but will lie to the public that it has changed it.
It will not make any effort to fulfill any promises made, like the £350 millions for the NHS they will evaporate like morning mist.
Already they are talking of making strikes illegal, and that is just the start of things to come.
The environment laws of India are good enough for us says Rees Mogg
What more proof is needed of how stupid things are getting?

The future of the nation is being gambled because politicians haven't the guts to oppose something they would have to be stupid not to know will harm the public and enrich the Elite.

This can only mean they have only the Elite in mind by the action they are about to take.
With any luck the public will learn at last what has been done in their name, and demand change.
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it isn't a problem for an individual like me who voted to remain and accept the opposite result. Logic says if our lawmakers vote for brexit, then they agree that brexit is the right way. Did they change their mind?
This is the full list of MPs who thought remaining in the UK was the right decision last June. If they all vote to stay, Brexit fails.

Its only if they they change their minds that it will succeed.

However (and I've spoken to a few) none of them have any evidence that things will be better for their constituents in a post brexit / post single market UK. The only thing they now have, is an understanding that a majority of those who voted, voted to leave the EU. What they actually want, or if that's even possible, or positive for the country and future generations is less clear.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Now that the Supreme court has had it's say it will be an interesting time!
That the Government does not have to consult the Scottish Northern Irish or Welsh assemblies over article 50 is going to be hugely popular with them to be sure!
And what fun when a three line bill appears later this week in the HOC!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Assuming parliament vote against leaving ( which is a distinct possibly) what ramifications will that have.
ie) Does it make May's position untenable ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
another wonderful story of the joy this is bringing to families in the UK currently.

"My friend has been here for 30 years- she is French and was married to a British man - they have children born here. She was refused citizenship - this is what she had to provide - 30 years of proof of earnings ( many years she was bringing up the children) - her original visa from the 80's- 6 years of bank statements - she had to take an English test - prove she had private health insurance ( guest how that plays into the agenda for privatisation of the NHS - and how many ex-pats do you think have proper private health care?) take some bullshit test on British culture the likes of which most of the British population couldn't pass - pay £1700 for the privilege of being turned down.

Now I will be damned if my husband who has been here, paying as much tax as was asked of him for 30 years because he believes it's his social duty - will be taking an English test - he speaks 3 languages - better English than I do and probably none of the people processing any form of his could speak German to the level he speaks English. He will not be paying £1700 to be turned down on some pathetic technicality or because he is approaching retirement. He thought this was his home - we have 4 children some born here and some in Germany - he has made this his home and given 30 years of loyalty and talent -we are a European family and the deal was that he could be here because of freedom of movement - he will not be expecting to pass and jump through all the hoops because he is " the right kind of immigrant" - F**ck that - I will not let him stay here to hear all the "who won the war" bullshit - he will not be paying to kiss the Queen's backside - THE UNITED KINGDOM SHOULD BE RUNNING TO ASK HIM TO STAY AND GIVE HIM A FREE PASSPORT."

is this what you voted for leavers? If it is I have even less respect or you, if it isn't you should be joining the protests and contacting your MPs to say this isn't what you voted for!
Who are these people? Do they actually exist?

I don't think this was an intended outcome of BREXIT and I am sceptical that the above will ever result in the forced repatriation of these people, if they do exist.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Some more wise words from zee Germans about the "they need us more than we need them" nonsense that we seem to be hearing a lot of.

When you talk to German bosses they say their top priority is in fact the integrity of the single market, rather than hanging on to British customers.

That's because their supply chains span across the EU.

A German car might be designed in Germany, manufactured in Britain, with components made in various parts of eastern Europe, to be sold in France. This only works if there are no cross-border tariffs, paperwork or red tape."

Which "German bosses?" All of them? A carefully selected few picked in order to yield the correct outcome?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Assuming parliament vote against leaving ( which is a distinct possibly) what ramifications will that have.
ie) Does it make May's position untenable ?
I think we will have brexit, 370 more MPs have already agreed with triggering A50 before April. Today's High Court judgement confirms that if A50 is triggered, we'll have brexit.
If A50 is triggered, the end result is either a deal or no deal but brexit is a dead cert.
The only way for brexit not to happen is another referendum before the end of negotiation.
Mrs May's position will not be tenable if parliament votes against brexit, otherwise, seems to be secure at the moment but two years is a long time.


Sep 16, 2015
Who are these people? Do they actually exist?

I don't think this was an intended outcome of BREXIT and I am sceptical that the above will ever result in the forced repatriation of these people, if they do exist.
The word intended is important in that sentence!
My wife had lived here and worked in the nhs for over 20 years. She doesn't have a UK passport. Not for that matter do I.
IF parliament votes for brexit is she guaranteed that she can remain here, in her job? We'll have to see what watertight legislation they come up with to protect her...

probably sent during work time


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
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