Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
Mark Garnier,international trade minister,has been speaking some home truths about Brexit.....he says...
Banks will lose passporting rights after Brexit and equivalence won't replace that,it won't work for banks.
Rising prices are going to happen and there's nothing we can do about that.
Everyone in the cabinet knows that 'Brexit means Brexit' is intentionally vague and meaningless
Brexit will cause a slump in sterling but that was predicted.
In short, Brexit means Wrecksit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oh the irony! The director of Nissan negotiating a deal to protect the bottom line in case of brexit and... protecting French taxpayers interests ROTFL :p
I'm sure you don't need me to remind you of the absence of nous among the British political class - today's announcement speaks volumes!

Unfortunately, half the population are so brainwashed, they cannot grasp the folly of this government's direction. Worse, they actually believe the crap spouted by May & Co and regurgitated by the major news organs.

The British public has been sold down the river over a number of years - that is why we have no major industries any more, no huge exporters and perhaps most tellingly, no philanthropists any more. The disgustingly rich with uncountable wealth keep every penny to themselves nowadays. There are no more Lever Bros, Carnegies, Cadburys or the likes in Britain although we have plenty of people with wealth to spare - Abramovitch, Branson, Dyson, Sugar, Green, the Cohen & Sainsbury families, just to name a few of the celebrity names.

Anyone who thinks we can compete with the dynamic economies of the emerging Asian markets or the solid German model after years of wilful neglect of British industry is deluded. We are years behind the other northern European EU states, indeed, the southern countries within the EU will also soon overtake Britain as an exporting country with a soundly-based economy.

The storytelling by the tory media machine today concerning the little blip on the chart of downward spiral plus the spin on the Nissan 'deal' brought to mind this little story that older forumites will remember Danny Kaye reciting melodiously:

This is the story of the King's new clothes. Now there was once a king who was absolutely insane about new clothes and one day, two swindlers came to sell him what they said was a magic suit of clothes. Now, they held up this particular garment and they said, "Your Majesty, this is a magic suit." Well, the truth of the matter is, there was no suit there at all. But the swindlers were very smart, and they said,

"Your Majesty, to a wise man this is a beautiful raiment but to a fool it is absolutely invisible." Naturally, the King not wanting to appear a fool, said: "Isn't it grand! Isn't it fine! Look at the cut, the style, the line! The suit of clothes is altogether, but altogether it's altogether The most remarkable suit of clothes that I have ever seen. These eyes of mine at once determined The sleeves are velvet, the cape is ermine The hose are blue and the doublet is a lovely shade of green Somebody send for the Queen"

Well they sent for the Queen and they quickly explained to her about the magic suit of clothes. And naturally, the Queen not wanting to appear a fool, said:

"Well, isn't it oh! Isn't it rich! Look at the charm of every stitch! The suit of clothes is altogether, but altogether it's altogether The most remarkable suit of clothes that I have ever seen These eyes of mine at once determined The sleeves are velvet, the cape is ermine The hose are blue and the doublet is a lovely shade of green Summon the court to convene"

Well the court convened, and you never saw in your life as many people as were at that court. All the ambassadors, the dukes, the earls, the counts, it was just packed with people, and they were all told about the magic suit of clothes. And after they were told they naturally didn't want to appear fools and they said:

"Isn't it ohhh! Isn't it ahhh! Isn't it absolutely wheee! (whistle sound) The suit of clothes is altogether, but altogether, it's altogether The most remarkable suit of clothes a tailor ever made Now quickly, put it altogether With gloves of leather and hat and feather It's altogether the thing to wear in Saturday's parade Leading the royal brigade"

Now Saturday came and the streets were just lined with thousands and thousands and thousands of people. And they all were cheering as the artillery came by, the infantry marched by, the cavalry galloped by. And everybody was cheering like mad, except one little boy. You see, he hadn't heard about the magic suit and didn't know what he was supposed to see. Well, as the King came by the little boy looked and, horrified, said:

"Look at the King! Look at the the King! Look at the King, the King, the King! The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born The King is in the altogether, but altogether, the altogether It's altogether the very least the King has ever worn"

Summon the court physician! Call an intermission! His majesty is wide open to ridicule and scorn.

The King is in the altogether, but all together, the altogether He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born And it's altogether too chilly a morn!



Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Will every industrial sector be given a deal-Nissan has set the benchmark for the car industry,clearly some deal has been given but we don't know what that deal is.
This is typical of this May government,everything seems to be discussed in secret,will the farmers,bankers,e-bike sellers (hehe) all get their own deal that we will be sworn to secrecy after.
May covers all this by boring rhetoric,repeated over and over til we are bored with it,but god forbid don't stray from the May menu....we are going to get the best possible deal for business,we are not going to give a running commentary,we are open for business,we are leaving the EU but not leaving Europe etc etc but we still don't know what Brexit means???
There were a lot in the audience of QT who I am sure were fed up with Greg Clarke who didn't answer a single question directly and won a gold menu in waffling.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The suspicion has to be that May and co will reduce business Taxes either across the board or for Exporting Companies only, ie any goods for exports are free from some or all Taxation.
And we jolly souls will make up the shortfall.
"Now is the time for all good men, women and children to pay Taxes for the folly of the Conservative Party"
VAT will I suspect be the weapon of Choice.
The Question that needs to be asked, is how many Companies can we afford to draw Pensions from the Taxpayer to operate in this country, and why are we doing that instead of financing British Businesses instead?
I suppose congratulations are in order to the Conservatives for inventing a
"Tariff and inflation free state pension for Corporate bodies"
With the slogan,
"Why invest elsewhere in the world and pay Taxes and Tariffs?
Come to the UK where the Taxpayers will pay them for you!
And work jolly hard to make your profits too"
And in the meantime the country will sink deeper and deeper into Debt.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
well, the market did not think much of last quarter provisional GDP. 0.5% growth on the back of services and slow decline of manufacturing. The Pound continues on its downward journey this morning.
Mrs May seems to be scared of brexiters, remainers, Nissan, Airbus, JCB, the airlines, the airports etc. Soon, she will be scared of her own shadow.
All it'll take is for the tories to lose Richmond Park - that'll scare her even more.
We'll know the result before Christmas.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
Richmond Park: straight fight LibDems v UKIP
The conservative and Labour won't put up their own candidates.
It will be all about brexit.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
interesting look at Nissan....

who haven't sold any cars to the EU at all.... they've all gone from UK to Switzerland.
Shocking but why should anyone be surprised? This is exactly the kind of business model beloved by the party of multi-millionaires who deposit funds in offshore tax havens.

Not being a lawyer, I can't tell if it is tax avoidance or tax evasion but why would anyone behave in such a way unless it is to maximise profits at the expense of somebody else?

The street-market traders sometimes end up in court, prosecuted for trivial offences which are not significantly different in principle from what Nissan appear to be doing. I'm not aware though of government at any level stepping in to assist the market trader continue with his business model.

One for the rich and.......

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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
will brexit bring Tony Blair back to UK politics?

"We've got to work out: are the freedoms that we are going to gain really so substantial that we want to leave the European Union?"

I can see him leading a kind of 'bremain momentum' - he should be a match for Nigel Farage.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 4, 2014
will brexit bring Tony Blair back to UK politics?

"We've got to work out: are the freedoms that we are going to gain really so substantial that we want to leave the European Union?"

I can see him leading a kind of 'bremain momentum' - he should be a match for Nigel Farage.
Teflon tony and farage as the leading lights of the british zeitgeist. It makes fawlty towers seem decidedly unfunny
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Oct 25, 2006
will brexit bring Tony Blair back to UK politics?

"We've got to work out: are the freedoms that we are going to gain really so substantial that we want to leave the European Union?"

I can see him leading a kind of 'bremain momentum' - he should be a match for Nigel Farage.
It would help to have someone making the message clear and debunking the Brexit propaganda.

We just had a lot of hype about how well the economy has done of the three months since Brexit, but the truth was very different, that for the three months was:

Manufacturing was down.

Construction was down.

Farming was down.

The only other thing we do is Services and it was only that which was up, and marginally at that. Since other countries have found a condition of article 50 exit or release from EU conditions is no discussion on access for Services, the future suddenly doesn't look so bright.
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Oct 25, 2006
The government didn't seem to think that important enough to mention in the release I saw. Your link shows a typical 2% up for three months.

However, it highlights what I've warned of a number of times, a future as a tourist destination meaning very low incomes in menial jobs. Not a future most would want.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
The Nissan deal is enlightening,she obviously reassured them in some way.
I dont think she would bribe them with underwriting their tariff losses,that would be so anti Brexit,get man from Hartlepool frothing in his special Brew!!!,anyway is that illegal under EU law???
I dont think she would throw loads of state aid at them,we dont have the money and that would set a precedent that Honda and Tata would also want.
So there is only one logical answer that she promised them there would be no tariffs...which means she is heading for a soft Brexit and staying in the single market with free movement of people or that she is confident of 'having her cake and eat it',either way it looks like no tariffs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Those gullible enough to believe political slogans such as, 'Good for the economy', 'Good for business' and 'Good for Britain' when uttered by politicians are susceptible to all political rhetoric.

Moreover, those believing stuff like 'Everyone benefits from the ''trickle-down" effect' will accept any statistics promulgated by politicians without question and that is why poor people remain poor and the rich just get richer and richer.

Not understanding political speak is tantamount to criminal negligence on the part of individuals who then feel obliged to exercise their right to vote after absorbing blatant lies delivered by someone in a business suit. It's not exactly difficult to learn what politicians mean - take, for example, the oft-used expression, 'The fact of the matter is.....'. That is a trigger and should alert even the thickest of simpletons that a huge lie is about to be delivered.

Generally, the huge lie is accompanied by some obscure facts or statistics no-one is able to contend at the moment of delivery because they are not readily available and the politician gets away with it.

Months later, when the same politician is challenged over what he/she said previously, the reply is always a claim that they were misquoted. 'Those were not the words I used' or, even more commonly, 'My remark was taken out of context!' By then, of course, the political game has moved on and a new topic is under discussion which everyone wants to talk about rather than re-hash a politician's lies from a matter no longer headlining in the media.

The term, 'Lies, damned lies and statistics', itself frequently wrongly attributed, is undoubtedly all about the world of politics and whether it was Mark Twain, Disraeli or any one of a number of other candidates who first uttered the words, they certainly showed an insight absent from large swathes of the electorate today on both sides of the Atlantic.

Returning to my opening sentence, next time you hear any of those expressions uttered by a politician, a business mogul or the chairperson of the CBI, a little lateral thinking might persuade you that the beneficiary of such a plan is likely to be only one of those three and most certainly never all three!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 4, 2014
You may need to broaden your source of information.

Might help the unemployed though

Hammond helps affordable housing? - based on land registry figures and not interested parties - watch out any budding landlords:

Has Brexit burst the British housing bubble?
that is a very curious article. I like ken loach. but perhaps I haven't quite adopted his paradigm in the starry eyed way danny dorling (who wrote the article) have. he is wrong - house prices are not based on politics and whether landlords or tenants "have the upper hand". Politicians are spineless prostitutes who don't control anything. they just run after whatever populist notion the public has at that moment (see May). They don't give a fig about house prices or anything that happens after the next election. it also doesn't have anything to do with supply and demand. It has (as every crash makes spectacularly clear) everything to do with affordability an interest rates. When inflation goes up as it must because of brexit, and the BoE gets dragged screaming and kicking towards higher interest rates there will be a crash. Unfortunately it wont help the poor (who will be struggling to get by let alone buy anything because of high inflation) much.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Really good news,but all the good news seems to come when foreigners are using their strong euros or dollars to buy product in pounds. This applies to exports as well as tourism,I am surprised our manufacturers are not doing better.
But at some point the effects of the new minimum wage will cause hotels/restaurants to increase prices and any imported goods/food will start to increase in price,due to the poor buying power of the pound.
I myself have just released the first price increases,800 products,average 15% rise,effective November 1,this will negate the buying power of the Euro,be interesting the effects on export sales. E-bikes will probably be increased in price January 2017,unless the pound strengthens against the US dollar or Trump gets voted in and the dollar plummets!!!
Project fear suggested that these effects would be immediate,that was stupid it takes time for currency hedging to be used up and replenishment of stocks to be needed,the first quarter of 2017 will when it really starts to hurt.
