OG is simply exaggerating and being silly.
No he isn't. Having watched briefly released videos from Iraq and Afhanistan before they were suppressed, I've witnessed the depths our forces can descend to, including their officers.
I'm speaking of fully and tightly hooded prisoners knelt down and being randomly kicked and punched about head and body. And a teenager driven by soldiers at gunpoint into a river, despite his pleas that he couldn't swim. They watched him being swept away to drown and then walked away laughing.
Someone I know very well served against Malayan terrorists when there were some appalling crimes committed by our troops against civilians. But unusually he won't speak about that period of his army service and doesn't like it to be mentioned that he served there, clearly hiding something he prefers to forget.
And the terrible way our forces acted against both the Mau Mau terrrorists and innocent civilans in Kenya, raping, castrating and beating them is well known and was confirmed by an uncle who farmed there, leading to many millions in compensation since.
And then there's Ireland and our disgusting recent history there.
War and the power it gives always brutalises and desentitises, and every legal safeguard to prevent abuse of that power by forces should be kept in place, strengthened as necessary, and acted upon against offenders as a warning to others.