Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I really don't know why I bother with you, perhaps reading this link will help you
But as usual you will simply deny everything
So here is something else for you to deny
It wont break through the barrier of your prejudice, though will it?
You don't really understand what the EU has the power to do, or not do, what is, or can become either with your "Little Englander" outlook.
You will find out soon enough the enormity of your mistake in trusting the fate of the nation to the Westminster Flying Circus at it's rabid worst.
The first thing to go will be Human Rights......
I,m sure my wife will take great solice from the article during her extra 6 years working life as will my son in law who was originally told he could retire after 25 years service but now he must carry on donning breathing apparatus,enter burning buildings into his 60's, assuming he,s capable of course, because if he isn't he,ll be sacked...with no will all my old colleagues who were made redundant , on statutory minimum, reemployed a week later on no strike contracts and much worse conditions of service..
Where were all the EU rules and directives for all this OG..
I,m told my oap pension will be available when I,m 68....when you get yours OG..
There is BS in all the press..Our working conditions are way worse than 90's, only those retired and out of touch could think otherwise. The EU talks a good corner but never actually fights...its a waste of time, in reality its achieved nothing.
And yes I might be an Englander, its not an insult OG, but I am anything but little.
Got a tide to catch..I,m off and out for a while. Toodaloo.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I,m sure my wife will take great solice from the article during her extra 6 years working life as will my son in law who was originally told he could retire after 25 years service but now he must carry on donning breathing apparatus,enter burning buildings into his 60's, assuming he,s capable of course, because if he isn't he,ll be sacked...with no will all my old colleagues who were made redundant , on statutory minimum, reemployed a week later on no strike contracts and much worse conditions of service..
Where were all the EU rules and directives for all this OG..
The short answer;
Not applied because this country's short sighted Government and individuals like YOU who voted for Brexit won't surrender sovereignty to the EU
What is it about that that that you cannot understand?

Why didn't you insist that the Government complied with the EU regulations instead of this petulant childish insistance it's the fault of the EU that it didn't FORCE compliance from the UK?

Where is the logic of your remarks?
It's becoming obvious that you never wanted Social improvement policies from the EU and revel in being persecuted by the UK Government, just to save a little money, well now you are going to enjoy the experience of having the sort of Government you deserve.
What spurious arguments are you going to come up with in future?
Will it still all be the fault of the EU for not preventing Brexit?

The "little Englander epithet" is correct, too weak to demand change from the Government, now you'll suffer and simply have to put up with what they do, even harder when they take away what rights and privileges you have gained.

You think it's bad now, but it was far worse in the past, but be patient, you have set in motion turning the clock back to those "good old days" haven't you?

If you thought it was bad in the EU, and hated what the Government here had done despite what the EU directed, what logic made you put all power into their hands at a time when everyone agrees there is no opposition worthy of the name?

Do you wonder I laugh at you? you deserve it!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Here's a new take on an old literary piece written by a man who suffered and watched as millions of others suffered under a fascist, totalitarian government, very similar to the oligarchy responsible for so much evil in their class war against ordinary people in Britain today:

'First they came for the disabled, but I did nothing because Channel 5 and the Daily Mail tell me they're all on the fiddle and lazy.

Then they came for the immigrants, but I did nothing because they all want to come here and blow us up and have suspicious beards.

Then they came for the working poor, but I did nothing because they should just work more hours and learn to manage their finances better.

Then they came for a quarter of the children in the UK, but I did nothing because it decreases the surplus population.

Then they came for the protestors but I did nothing because they are just the great unwashed.

Then they came for the paralympians, but I did nothing because they don't need any help if they can break world records.

Then they came for the single parent households, but I did nothing because everyone knows they just have kids for the benefits and a council house.

Then they came for me and my pension. Bastards! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE CARE?!?!?!?!

Then they cancelled Bake off and the entire UK erupted, tweeted, made front pages, we all talked about it, signed petitions, wept. And my faith in community spirit was restored.'

Sadly, while some may find this humorous, in reality it is is a perfect example of what has been achieved by decades of unrelenting brainwashing via newspapers, TV, radio and the internet, all controlled by the friends and benefactors of the tory party.



Esteemed Pedelecer
I didn't know or perhaps had forgotten that this is 'Europe Day' but thanks to social media, I learned that it is.

Here is a brief historical note which I did know about though:

On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, presented the declaration which proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community. The idea was driven by determination to prevent another terrible war. The founding European governments said that pooling coal and steel production would make war between historic rivals France and Germany "not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible". Today, we are enjoying the longest period of peace in written history in Europe.

So, happy Europe Day and here is the man:




Oct 25, 2006
I didn't know or perhaps had forgotten that this is 'Europe Day'
I haven't heard a single mention of this in the mainstream media.

However, around a week ago there was plenty of publicity for World Dawn Chorus Day!

I wonder if anyone told the birds.

Indeed the BBC is still wittering on about it, punting it's recordings of bird song worldwide that morning.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Daily Mirror
Theresa May confirms she wants to bring back fox hunting after secret Tory plot exposed
She says she's "always been in favour of" the cruel blood sport
Theresa May sensationally confirmed she hopes to bring back fox-hunting after the Mirror exposed a secret Tory plot to repeal the ban.

Speaking in Leeds today, the Prime Minister admitted she has "always been in favour" of the cruel blood sport and will press ahead with plans for a free vote of MPs after the election."

Why not Bring back cock fighting and Bear Baiting? about the right mentality for "little England" living in the middle ages, after all.


Oct 25, 2006
From the Daily Mirror
Theresa May confirms she wants to bring back fox hunting after secret Tory plot exposed
She says she's "always been in favour of" the cruel blood sport
Theresa May sensationally confirmed she hopes to bring back fox-hunting after the Mirror exposed a secret Tory plot to repeal the ban.

Speaking in Leeds today, the Prime Minister admitted she has "always been in favour" of the cruel blood sport and will press ahead with plans for a free vote of MPs after the election."

Why not Bring back cock fighting and Bear Baiting? about the right mentality for "little England" living in the middle ages, after all.
Unsurprising, David Cameron had promised a free vote on bringing back hunting with dogs, but found that impossible during the coalition period with the Lib-Dems.

It's clearly a Tory policy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Theresa May confirms she wants to bring back fox hunting.
No-one should be surprised by this; it's something practised by the few who don't give a toss for animals, birds or any human beings outside of their inbred class.

The tory party and every single creature that casts a vote for them are a curse upon the earth.



Esteemed Pedelecer
There is an opportunity coming up to remove the tory mafia from government. That means an opportunity to re-create the kind of achievements only made possible under a socialist government that actually cares about ordinary people and the environment, just like the one led by Clement Attlee that got Britain back on its feet after a ruinous war in the 20th century.




Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What a situation we find ourselves in. Brexit was a Vote for change, and I can sympathise with the way people felt with that regard.

Unfortunately the protest has simply passed all power to the very people that have been the cause of the protest vote in the first place.

Even worse they will now not only have the EU to blame for their outrageous policies, but claim they are justified to provide (in some distant future) the Nirvana that the Brexit Voters expected as a consequence of the referendum, but in the meantime the suffering imposed is something the people agreed to anyway and it will all be worth it in the end.

Ask yourself honestly, based on the fact that the PM is a proven turncoat who supported Remain and now seems hell bent on Brexit. Is this change of the leopards spots for real, or just an even bigger con?

And can someone who has such a low moral compass as to support blood sports be regarded as a Normal Human being you can trust to show compassion for the poor, ill or weak?

Do yourself a favour vote for Change for the better not the Tory re-run of the dreadful 1930's


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Maybe she saw Hunger Games and wants to try it out for real?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What is quite astonishing is the hold that the Torys have on large numbers of the Public, when all the evidence from the past is that they have no intention whatsoever, either now or in the future of doing anything but harm to the greater mass of people who vote for them.

The only comparison I can think of is when a Snake hypnotises a rabbit before inviting it to Dinner.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
How to generate Fake News.
Shock poll: More than HALF of Britons think EU is plotting to sabotage General Election
MORE than half of Britons believe Brussels bureaucrats are meddling in the UK’s June 8 General Election, a stunning poll has revealed.
Theresa May stood outside Downing Street earlier this month and launched a scathing attack on European Union figures, claiming officials were behind “deliberately timed” attempts to influence the vote.

Now a YouGov poll has shown 51 per cent of British voters believe the Prime Minister’s warnings are “probably true”."
The poll, carried out on 1,645 people, also found 24 per cent of respondents believed Mrs May’s accusations “probably false”, with 25 per cent not sure what they made of the claims.
This figure rises to 8 in 10 among people intending to vote Conservative in four weeks’ time.

And all because Mrs May made an accusation on the basis of what evidence?
Why would the EU care who wins the Election?
The woman we will have in charge is the least competent person out of 65 Million to represent any interest except those of the Elite that pays her

Congratulations on a "Cute" electoral Con to the Conservatives are in order.
Cheap publicity works well.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Will they or wont they?
This "Surprisingly" from the Daily Mail
CPS to announce this morning if up to 30 Tory politicians will face charges over election expenses irregularities during the 2015 campaign
  • 15 police forces have investigated allegations of election expense irregularities
  • Among those investigated is outgoing Tory South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay
  • Mackinlay defeated former Ukip leader Nigel Farage by around 2,000 votes
  • Mr Mackinlay has denied any wrong doing concerning his campaign spending
Interestingly ten minutes later...i can't find this piece again!
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Might not appear so but I actually agree with nearly all the anti Tory sentiment and points raised but since this thread is about Brexit and in theory facts can somebody please explain how on earth country is any better off in EU but still with the Tories.

And yet again Corbyn makes his position worse by saying he wouldn't answer question wether he,d take us out or stay in EU???
You remainers are missing the major issue. Its not in or out EU , its producing a viable alternative to Tories.
