They are almost entirely illegal economic migrants and we've seen repeated proofs of that. Huge crowds of many thousands have been fleeing Afghanistan. They can't all have been interpreters for our illegal forces there, they clearly just saw an excuse, an opportunity for an imagined economic advantage, so took advantage of it.
Syrian Sunni's too. They launched an illegal religion based civil war against their lawful government for no acceptable reason, and lost. They were not an oppressed people, they were always free to travel, study abroad, do business, prosper. They simply didn't like the government being a fixed Shia minority. For pro Israel political reasons the West idiotically took their terrorist side with military action, creating an impression that we will bail them out with residency, now they've lost their illegal and unnecessary civil war.
Also seeing the opportunity created by hordes of illegally migrating Afghans and Syrians, they were joined by even greater numbers of Africans. That was and remains blindingly obvious, the peoples of Afghanistan and Syria are not black negros, yet they are often the great majority illegally finding their way to our shores.
There are two possible solutions, both pan-European based:
1) Throwing the doors open to unlimited migration, accepting that the European economies will be reduced to nearer the levels of those in the countries these migrants come from. Levelling down, effectively communism by another method.
2) Pan-European rigid enforcement of the law by prompt return of all illegal migrants to their departure points, if necessary by military enforcement of the right to do that.