We do have a big problem with inequalityI think it's vapourware or diversion tactics. City folks don't really have any limit, they never have. They have many ways to fill their pockets: share options, pension plans, credit cards for expenses, holiday homes, invoices to shelf companies etc
They know they can't stop the strikes, they can't fix myriad of other things: the economy, the health service, transport, pension, education. If I were BJ, I would chuck it in now.
The Scale of Economic Inequality in the UK | The Equality Trust
The UK has the 7th most unequal incomes of 30 countries in the developed world, but is about average in terms of wealth inequality. While the top fifth have nearly 50% of the country's income and 60% of the country's wealth, the bottom fifth have only 4% of the income and only 1% of the wealth.
It's why big parts of the UK are such dystopias (ito services, education, health care) compared to Europe. And this can be fixed.