The calculator works , but the magnetic reader is kaput... The rubber drive wheels has reverted to a goo. But like I said the Android simulation is excellent has all of the standard rompacks available .Great use of an Amstrad! The Minisport looks innovative, very neat small useful package. This chap revived his, used an IDE to CF converter:
I've always been a fan of TI's programmable graphing calcs, your working Ti59 has got to be very rare by now.
... I got the TI when I was a a young engineer in Industry. I had finished my research time in University and was writing up my Thesis. Well I had a graphical calculation to perform on a probability distribution charged particles at different distances from a source ... The same maths as might be appropriate for estimating covid viron density at different distances from a sneeze. . The machine I could use in College was a PDP11 , . But I would only get one data point per week . So using the calculator I could set it up each night and get a point the next day...
Not of any interest to Zatlan ..but the next bit is . My Boss at work was a keen Offshore Sailing enthusiast, and in discussion I indicated that the machine could do the handicapping for different types of boat. The time Boats start and finish at different start and finish times ,and then have to be corrected by a handicap factor So its not immediately obvious who has won. . So I wrote a program for this , and he then purchased the printer. So during the week ,I got my printout very day and at the weekend ,he got his kudos.