The Blue item on the right of the painting on my easel is in fact a bag of felix cat treats on my desk!Thank you, that lovely painting is very relaxing to view. Did you start with the background, then the top and work your way down, like Bob Ross? I do wish I could paint - I've got a couple of blank canvass frames, their fate may be grisly...
While looking for a signature, I couldn't help noticing the blue work to the right - is that a collage?
My usual method of work when working from home is select one of my many thousands of photos to use as a subject, here is the one used as a source for the painting
I superimpose a grid over it and draw one in pencil on the canvas scaled to fit then draw the image lightly in pencil, giving good positional control.
Usual I work from the sky down for a very simple reason, you get less paint on you that way!