Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
Chestnuts were a particular favourite in France for the peasant farmers.. The wood made farm implements, and the nuts were ground into a flour for baking as a bread...
Yes indeed, and in dietary terms chestnuts make a fair potato substitute too:

Chestnuts: 5% protein, 10% fat, 25% carbohydrate, the rest water.

Potatoes: 5% fat, 10% protein, 25% carbohydrate, the rest water.

A near enough match.


Oct 25, 2006
Yes she can:

"Here's my resignation. I realise that the Met cannot progress with me in charge. I have become a major part of the story rather than the answer."
Agreed, she is a disastrous product of the fast track campaign to recruit officers from university and give them accelerated promotion.

As one of them she was in charge of the bungled operation that led to innocent electrician Jean-Charles Menezes to be murdered by a Met Police officer who emptied seven bullets into his brain at point blank range, while Jean-Charles was pinned down by two fellow officers. They were not punished of course.

Of all the unbelievable things she was promoted to Assistant Commissioner for that, and shortly after to the Commissioner in total charge of the Met police. There have been far too many serious problems with the Met under her command and we need to rid of her and her incompetence.

Jesus H Christ

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 31, 2020
Agreed, she is a disastrous product of the fast track campaign to recruit officers from university and give them accelerated promotion.

As one of them she was in charge of the bungled operation that led to innocent electrician Jean-Charles Menezes to be murdered by a Met Police officer who emptied seven bullets into his brain at point blank range, while Jean-Charles was pinned down by two fellow officers. They were not punished of course.

Of all the unbelievable things she was promoted to Assistant Commissioner for that, and shortly after to the Commissioner in total charge of the Met police. There have been far too many serious problems with the Met under her command and we need to rid of her and her incompetence.
I think policing is one of those industries where there is absolutely no substitute for experience and a successful track record. Academic qualifications are of virtually zero use or value.

Unfortunately, the two qualities I mentioned are way down the list below gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, ethnicity and political views. Next maybe comes academic qualifications, and finally whether you are actually capable or competent at the role.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Thanks . I am using those two ...and in fact the lethargy was so bad that my consultant suggested taking the Bisoprolol every second day. This puzzles my GP , so she added another vessel dialator. . Now in fairness my blood pressure is well controlled and my heart rate very low .. mostly 60 , but even walking is now an effort . The ebike is a little easier... . I will be seeing her on Wednesday , so I will discuss.
I bought one of those cheap health watches Huawei Band 6 , because the idea of having a BP monitor on for the 24 hrs test just gets my goat. Its a remarkable but of kit for 50 euro. So light you can ignore it.. , measures pulse rate continuously and Oxygen Sats virtually continuously, and keeps perfect time linked to the android phone. And it only needs taking off and recharging every fortnight.. So I now have a second by second record for the last 3 months
Other thing I noticed Danidl is low fat diet. I, ve spent most my life eating whatever I want, kept low cholesterol and good BMI... Then heart problems so everybody and their brother tells you low fat, healthy eating etc etc. Which I did but came to conclusion it was adding to my lethargy... So now, if I know I, m sailing or biking following day.... I eat what I want and as much as I want. BMI gone back up a bit (cholesterol hasn't) but I feel loads stronger and less lethargic. Friend of mine on 2.5mg Bisoprolol says he doesn't know how I cope on 10mg... Tell him I didn't for 2 months but now I say stuff diet, take tablets at night and benefit from sailing/biking.. (even in AF, which I am at moment, I can windsurf for 2 or 3 hrs or ebike for 25 miles). Amazes my consultant but he says if you can do it... Do it.. But if it hurts or you are severely tired stop.
Remember when first on Bisoprolol sailing for an hour, could hardly walk up beach and at van was so tired I couldn't chew.
That's when I thought it time to change regime but still take tablets... (and eat sensibly but not that so)
Good luck.. We are all different.
I tried HR monitor. It frightened me to death. Said I was dying so stopped wearing it... Daughter (now a Station manager but was first responder in FS) took my pulse and said if I was in an accident and she took pulse she, d have me taken straight to hospital. AF is weird but the one that knows these things says it won't stop. But then again if it does I won't be complaining to him.. I, ve got used to having no pulse for 5 seconds and then 2 lots for next 10..Had it 5 years or so now, very frightening at first... Amazing what we get used to.
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Oct 25, 2006
I, ve got used to having no pulse for 5 seconds and then 2 lots for next 10..Had it 5 years or so now, very frightening at first... Amazing what we get used to.
Indeed, same with me for several years, but I've managed to stop it happening since the start of this year and also got rid of the tachycardia attacks and wild swings in blood pressure. The prevention is very limiting though.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
A friend with stents can't consume even small amounts of fat, without feeling very unwell. His liver produces far more cholesterol than normal, for some reason... in pain, dizzy and nauseous (many symptoms are from the medication) and he's only 43. It's what restarted me running.
Has he had his thyroid hormone levels checked? Low thyroid results in high cholesterol. A very well documented relationship that is all too often ignored.

(Note: Thyroid hormone levels - not just TSH.)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
So he says:
UK electricity generation to be fossil fuel free by 2035, says Boris Johnson

Is that because we won't have any oil, gas or coal? Or just won't be able to deliver it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Yes indeed, and in dietary terms chestnuts make a fair potato substitute too:

Chestnuts: 5% protein, 10% fat, 25% carbohydrate, the rest water.

Potatoes: 5% fat, 10% protein, 25% carbohydrate, the rest water.

A near enough match.
Speaking of chestnuts. Dont want to engage in the politics of envy (am sure we should all be envious of the depraved relationships tory mp's have with the oligarchy, although I just cannot feel anything other than pity and contempt, for some reason); and I'm sure, as conservatives on the thread have pointed out, the sources of boris's untraceable funds are entirely his business (and nothing the electorate have any business with). But am I the only one who's at least somewhat astonished by the degree to which the government is owned by Russia?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Speaking of chestnuts. Dont want to engage in the politics of envy (am sure we should all be envious of the depraved relationships tory mp's have with the oligarchy, although I just cannot feel anything other than pity and contempt, for some reason); and I'm sure, as conservatives on the thread have pointed out, the sources of boris's untraceable funds are entirely his business (and nothing the electorate have any business with). But am I the only one who's at least somewhat astonished by the degree to which the government is owned by Russia?
Not at all surprised. Disgusted, yes.

Perhaps Cummings' Russian connections just weren't quite as strong as those of some others?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Has he had his thyroid hormone levels checked? Low thyroid results in high cholesterol. A very well documented relationship that is all too often ignored.

(Note: Thyroid hormone levels - not just TSH.)
I'll ask him. I'll brave death by Covid to actually attend my appointment with the endocriminologist next week. Hope they have now test tubes available for blood tests...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
"It" being an officer charged with rape. Which is now a matter of public record.

Had Couzens been found not guilty, and if this chap is in due course found not guilty, having two officers charged is sufficient to question the entire edifice of the Met and its senior staff.
For a cop, he seemed to have made errors too many - I wonder how many cops have got away with this crime undetected?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
The advice has always been to take levothyroxine in the morning. But I am not convinced there ever was any evidence for that. It is just repeated because someone else assumed or said that

Medics tend to look at thyroid medicines like coffee or cocaine. Stimulants. They even liken levothyroxine to coffee in their own words. That completely misunderstands, well, everything. I believe that adequate thyroid hormone is absolutely necessary in order to sleep properly. Too little and we get tired, we feel the need to sleep, but the sleep we get is unrefreshing and relatively poor quality.

There is also the fact that levothyroxine absorption is affected by almost anything you can eat or drink, other medicines and supplements. Hence getting up, taking levothyroxine, then necking tea/coffee and scoffing breakfast is not a good idea.
It'd be great if medical science knew why my immune system was attacking my thyroid gland (and my feet) in the first place! Maybe I wasn't designed to live too long and it's trying to digest me through a built in obsolescence system, to make way for the new iMe.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I disagree re not getting anaerobic fitness on ebike.
Look on the body as a machine, a complicated one, but never the less a machine.
Mine is currently capable of producing around 140 watts(guess)... I can use that 140 Watts to jog, cycle, swim or whatever I want... pretty much indefinitely... Trouble is that 140 watt when running, cycling is hardly enough to get up hills, so I make it give 160 going up and on a bike almost nothing going down.
Now our bodies train much better at steady state out puts... Going into short term debt, coughing and spluttering actually is of hardly any benefit at all. Benefits to heart, lungs and muscles are achieved with sustained and probably minor rates over our max steady state out put..
On an ebike you can use your 140 watt out put combined with that of bike to avoid serious short term oxygen debt but sustain a beneficial output for a time long enough to achieve real gains. Going into short term oxygen debt will simply tell the machine... Stop. (especially so when weakened by illness)
It might feel to be beneficial to pant, cough and splutter, and it might help you think you are training but you aren't.
Get on your ebike, set an achievable constant out put, use the econtroller accordingly, ie more help on hills, less so elsewhere and cycle for at least one hour. (a heart rate monitor helps, ie train to a certain constant heart rate..., when not in AF I train to 140)
Jogging when unfit and going into short. term severe O2 debt with soaring heart rate is extremely dangerous and actually is of very little if any benefit.
All this from my heart surgeon..
Train to a raised but sustainable level and enjoy it. Ebike perfect tool.
They're always promoting High Intensity Interval Training on the BBCs "Trust me, I'm a Doctor", without mentioning that it could kill you with a heart attack or stroke, if you're not young, already fit and healthy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Plantar fasciitis -a compulsion to bury fascists? Nature has judged me. (Joking, joking)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Tesco delivered some brown lentils, which I have now sprouted.

1. Rinse a few times with cold water.
2. Soak for 12 hours in cold water.
3. Drain using the sprouting jars, invert the jars, walk away from the jars, leave the jars alone, stop mucking about with those jars!
4. Rinse gently until the water runs clear, three times a day for 3 or 4 days. the question is, do I eat them raw? I've never had any problems, but you can't be too careful... I don't fancy an ecoli infection, on the other hand they taste nice: A bit nutty and sprouty:


Beansprouts taste nicer with a bit of salad dressing or soya sauce. They look about ready.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Yet people have scoffed vast quantities of fat, both in single snacks, meals and through their lives without obvious issues!

I think one of the best things I did was stop taking sugar in tea and coffee. Which I did over forty years ago. (Stopped milk in both somewhat later.)
Sugar is the big problem, and when it's blood suger - wholegrain anything doesn't seem to slow down the conversion of carbs to blood sugar, by very much... I still get heart palpitations, if my blood sugar was low ie if hadn't eaten for about 12 hours.

Black tea, even cheap and nasty leaf tea, is surprisingly palatable (but substantially less so with milk); I keep forgetting to give up milk, but when I do it's pretty easy to get used to.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
It'd be great if medical science knew why my immune system was attacking my thyroid gland (and my feet) in the first place! Maybe I wasn't designed to live too long and it's trying to digest me through a built in obsolescence system, to make way for the new iMe.
In my case, and I think this is common, the foot issues come about from a combination of mucinous deposits, changes to muscle and tendon mechanical characteristics, changes to ability of tissue to repaiir itself, possible changes to blood characteristics, etc. That is, PF seems to be a consequence of hypothyroidism which, all too often, is autoimmune in origin.

I have seen more in the recent past of research into actual causes - but still no clear-cut explanation..
