Could you add a narrow lower bed and mattress on her side, about 3 inches lower, then another next to that 3 inches lower etc? That way, it'd easier to get up, and she wouldn't fall far. They might have to be made with custom matresses, or very thickly upholstered low bed bases.Thank you! they do provide a battery powered version used by the Humberside Fire Brigade, but that casts £250 more! not only that if it only got used say once a year (I wish!) the chances are the batteries would be discharged as I had neglected to regularly charge them.
Or how about a narrow bed and mattress (or large thickly upholstered board) held at an agle of 20 degrees from the horizontal on her side of the bed, to stop her falling out? It could probably be lowered using a permanently plugged in motor (or your lifting device, if it's powerful enough), to adjust the angle of the hinged upholstered board/platform to help getting into bed.
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