I couldn’t agree more and yes I am an ex-people’s energy customer. I hated them after they failed to take adequate care of my personal data and had it stolen in a cyber attack.
My house energy is now supplied by Avro, who to be fair are good. My garage, which is on a separate meter, is supplied by Symbio who are 20 x worse than Shittish Gas. I won’t bore you with the details.
The energy market is deliberately confusing, it fails the consumer and its failing apart. Very soon we will be back to a monopoly of a few private companies working in a cartel to fleece the customer.
We need to go back to a state run CEGB and state owned power companies. We’ve tried the private route, it crap, abandon it.
@Jesus H Christ! Rejoice! You are now a Octopus customer! (or shortly will be). I believe they may be contractually obliged to be nicer, if you switch to Ebico administered by Octopus (different Octopus arm). In my experience, even SSE were nice when they were doing Ebico admin (do inspect all small print and tariffs etc.)

Octopus to take on failed Avro Energy’s 580,000 stranded customers
Supplier appointed by Ofgem also at centre of speculation that it could bid for rival challenger Bulb
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