Exactly what I've been arguing, until he makes the mistake you keep making, under his heading:Rather a more reasoned analysis around European peace.. The EU's achievements and failures. Worth reading by both pro and anti EU...
How valid is the claim that the EU has delivered peace in Europe?
For many arguing that the UK should remain in the EU, the first and foremost claim is that it is a force for peace.www.newstatesman.com
And author is a regular Guardian contributor.. Rather more leaning to Flecc's ideas than mine and was/is an EU supporter.. I think he exaggerates the EU achievements and under plays the rolls where they have done absolutely nothing. (by policy?)
Peace beyond the border
Beyond the EU's border is nothing to do with the EU. They have no jurisdiction there since they only have the authority of the EU member countries to act within the EU. Their member countries have retained the individual right to deal with external threats, so the EU has no authority to act outside.
After the Balkan wars the member countries, shocked by such wars within Europe, did authorise the EU to negotiate with the Balkan countries with a view to them becoming EU members if and when they fulfilled the conditions for entry, so as already mentioned, Croatia did and has become an EU member, a big step forward for peace.
Serbia of course cannot become an EU member due to it's centuries old close alliance with Russia and the present state of relations with Russia due to the American NATO deliberately and very stupidly maintaining a cold war with Russia due to their phobic hatred of communism.
In year 2000 President Putin expressed an interest in Russia becoming an EU member, a golden opportunity to greatly extend peace across all of Europe, but predictably the US influence prevented anything other than opposition from some pro USA EU members. Of course since no country can join without the full agreement of all members, that scuppered any chance.
Thus rebuffed, Putin has turned to China, the worst possible thing for Europe thanks to that US stupidity. The only long term way out now is for Europe to align with Russia and thus China in turn, hence Germany favouring that course now.