I thought Lambda was prevalent in Peru? And there have been cases of individuals infected with two different strains simultaneously.Unfortunately that is exactly what I am saying . The Delta variant has outcompeted every other CV19 version present currently.. So yes . Basically when talking about CV 19 , worldwide we are basically talking about Delta. The various national reference laboratories are sequencing samples continually, and while it is inevitable that there will be newer variants , and of course some people are getting infections from multiple variants The earliest strains had a typical viral load , and measurements of Delta show it to be 1200 times the viral payload on average of the Wuhan 2019 species. Now it didn't get this way in a single step and the intermediate strains were factors of 3 to 10 up on the original .... So three sets of evolutionary jumps we arrive at 1000.
What is the newly found COVID-19 'Epsilon variant' in Pakistan? - Details inside
And what happened to zeta, eta, theta, iota and kappa?
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