China has already overtaken the USA in 2018, thanks to Donald Trump and the Chinese government knows it.
Trump's 'America first' policy actually helps China exports and drives FDDI to China.
Last year, China received more FDDI than any other country.

Chinese economy to overtake US 'by 2028' due to Covid
A UK-based think tank says the pandemic has caused economic momentum to shift further in favour of Asia.
Either way Trump and or Covid have brought it forward.
UK has vaccinated 6.3 million. Both data streams say that OG???
(roughly 14% of targeted population, 20 million or so will not be receiving jab, Pfizer went down to 12 Yr olds in trials but others didn't go below 18)
I believe no under 18s and people with immune issues will be vaccinated. (trials are going on for children's vaccine)
I did read Antibody preventive jabs were being used for folk with depressed immune systems.?? (tried it as cure, didn't work, but in trials it prevented infection(or illness??) Its on Google..)
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