Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 1, 2018
North Wales
Would you really?? If i were you i`d check out the author first..

Nesrine Malik

Nesrine Malik

Image 2 of 2

Nesrine Malik in full Islamic dress: 'The niqab appeals to the voyeur in all of us' Photo: David Rose
Why on earth would I care how she dresses or what religion she is? Have you read the article and if so what parts of it do you think are wrong? I am more than happy to read sensible arguments that you have against the article perhaps I will learn something new.

There is a danger on a thread such as this that we all end up in a sort of group think, and it becomes an echo chamber. I am as guilty of this as anyone. Most posters on here have a left of centre leaning as I do, but I try and counteract that to a certain extent by reading quite a lot of trading and investment forums which generally have a right of centre bias.

Critisising an article just because the way the author dresses is the kind of thing Trump and his supporters do. Engaging in the contents of the article would be far more helpful to everyone reading this thread.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
he'll find another fridge to hide in soon enough until the ****storm has blown over.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2014
Colchester, Essex
The main screw up that prevented a bit more of an bit of a indication that something was up was an own goal by Trump

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.

However even then its what one does with the intel in advance. What was happening in China in Jan / Feb was an indication that something was taking off, and then Italy and Spain were air raid sirens...

What do you think Tilson were the Chinese specifically covering up?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
CV timeline according to WHO:

The potential of a pandemic was known since beginning of January.
China published the genome of Covid19 on the 12th January.
The gravity of Covid19 is well understood.Wuhan was in lockdown on 23rd January.

31 Dec 2019

China reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

1 January 2020

WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

4 January 2020

WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province.

5 January 2020

WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

10 January 2020

WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries.

Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers.

12 January 2020

China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19.

13 January 2020

Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.

14 January 2020

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. Dr. Kerkhove noted that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens.

20-21 January 2020

WHO experts from its China and Western Pacific regional offices conducted a brief field visit to Wuhan.

22 January 2020

WHO mission to China issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan but more investigation was needed to understand the full extent of transmission.

22- 23 January 2020

The WHO Director- General convened an Emergency Committee (EC) under the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) to assess whether the outbreak constituted a public health emergency of international concern. The independent members from around the world could not reach a consensus based on the evidence available at the time. They asked to be reconvened within 10 days after receiving more information.

28 January 2020

A senior WHO delegation led by the Director-General travelled to Beijing to meet China’s leadership, learn more about China’s response, and to offer any technical assistance.

While in Beijing, Dr. Tedros agreed with Chinese government leaders that an international team of leading scientists would travel to China on a mission to better understand the context, the overall response, and exchange information and experience.

30 January 2020

The WHO Director-General reconvened the Emergency Committee (EC). This was earlier than the 10-day period and only two days after the first reports of limited human-to-human transmission were reported outside China. This time, the EC reached consensus and advised the Director-General that the outbreak constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The Director-General accepted the recommendation and declared the novel coronavirus outbreak (2019-nCoV) a PHEIC. This is the 6th time WHO has declared a PHEIC since the International Health Regulations (IHR) came into force in 2005.

3 February 2020

WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states with weaker health systems.

11-12 February 2020

WHO convened a Research and Innovation Forum on COVID-19, attended by more than 400 experts and funders from around the world, which included presentations by George Gao, Director General of China CDC, and Zunyou Wu, China CDC's chief epidemiologist.

16-24 February 2020

The WHO-China Joint mission, which included experts from Canada, Germany, Japan, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Russia, Singapore and the US (CDC, NIH) spent time in Beijing and also travelled to Wuhan and two other cities. They spoke with health officials, scientists and health workers in health facilities (maintaining physical distancing). The report of the joint mission can be found here:

11 March 2020

Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

13 March 2020

COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund launched to receive donations from private individuals, corporations and institutions.

18 March 2020

WHO and partners launch the Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial that aims to generate robust data from around the world to find the most effective treatments for COVID-19.
Thank you..
  • Agree
Reactions: oldgroaner


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
That the Chinese were fully transparent regarding their Coronavirus outbreak.
That is conspiracy theory stuff. Go back to any novel event you have been involved with...even gaining a girlfriend and there is a period of indecision at the start, ..are there signs !, is it yes or no,? .. In the period 17 November to 15 December there was fragments of evidence .. a person had an odd flu.., when another person had the same general symptoms, takes time People have to gossip with others ,seek consults , pressure colleagues to look at an odd result
There is evidently an industry starting in the USA, based on their exceptionism, which has as a starting point that since we are the USA, we are the best, so if someone else handled this better than us, they were cheating... just Dont buy into that. I think the same is happening in UK thinking as well.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
PPE obviously working extremely well:

About half of A&E consultants and nurses at a major Welsh hospital have tested positive for coronavirus, a doctor there has said.

Consultant Tim Rogerson, from the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, appeared in a video on the Aneurin Bevan health board's Facebook page.

Dr Rogerson is self-isolating and said he had "pretty much a full house" of coronavirus symptoms.

The health board area is one of the worst affected of the UK.
  • Informative
  • :D
Reactions: flecc and POLLY


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
He isn’t risen, he’s been sent back to answer for his crimes here on Earth first.
We wish, the tory spin machine will wash him clean and the voters (including you I suspect) will vote for a second Tory austerity and tax cuts rather than a more equal redistribution once covid pass. Look at now: Patel and Hancock lie very badly about testing and ppe and boris pretend herd immunity was a misunderstanding while frontline clinicians die without adequate protection and the government has never been more popular.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Lies, damn lies and Data Mining
UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response
Palantir, the US big data firm founded by the rightwing billionaire Peter Thiel, is working with Faculty, a British artificial intelligence startup, to consolidate government databases and help ministers and officials respond to the pandemic.

Data is also being used by Faculty to build predictive computer models around the Covid-19 outbreak. One NHS document suggests that, two weeks ago, Faculty considered running a computer simulation to assess the impact of a policy of “targeted herd immunity”. Lawyers for Faculty said the proposed herd immunity simulation never took place.

Here is the denial

We are expected to believe it was just a bit of privater DIY'ing? how did they get thejr hands on the patient date then?

And this




As the covid-19 pandemic rages, Palantir has started work with Britain’s NHS. Exactly what Palantir is doing is not clear. The government’s most immediate concern is to use NHS data to plan the service’s response to the covid-19 pandemic.

Palantir, a data firm loved by spooks, teams up with Britain’s health service
The contract to help stem covid-19 will cause a stir. But if the work is done in the open, it could be a boon
