I am concerned at bulding going on in sight of the bedroom window. Uphill from us.We need to stop building houses. In the town closest to me, they have bulldozed an area of woodland on a hillside to cram in hundreds of houses and tarmac. The hillside has a lake at the bottom which feeds into a stream which runs through several villages downstream. Guess what's happened? The water has run off the new tarmac hillside, into the stream and caused flooding in the villages. What a surprise.
Another new development closely-by, built in a low lying area which has traditionally always flooded, has, well, flooded over the weekend. It's only been built within the last 18 months and they had diesel pumping sets down there pumping water out of the estate and back into the stream, which had burst its banks and caused the flooding in the first place.
We have too many houses, too much tarmac and too many people. That's the problem. The country is overloaded, it's not suitable for such a massive & uncontrolled population expansion.
Theoretically, they are dealing with drainage issues before they really get going, but I am still rather concerned.