Correction a group of rich young people will make a killing temporarily. the vast majority don't have stable jobs that will support a mortgage, but for a little while well off young fakes will snap up bargains.Update to folks that care.
And I guess that’s all of you bar two. ( I’m not including you before you start Gerald )
You are all of an age where your partisan politics means nothing when it means something good to a fellow man.
We got our AIP.
What is amazing. Almost too good to be true is that we may get 1.79% held for 5 years.
And we had two other randoms saying they could beat anything we were offered...I doubt it.
I told them we had, and it’s true, we had that rate at 25 years but if we went with them we could get 23 years....
Imagine that.
It’s almost like you guys had.
I hope we go for Brexit. A lot of young people will see the whole housing market open. Up. And it will help this country move on from its stagnant pool thatcher created.
Don't get me wrong, I agree House prices are a swindle.
I care for the ones who genuinely struggle, not for the fakes who are relatively rich.
Wasn't the term "Champagne Socialist" coined for them?
We have a couple on here.
Full of virtue and optimism for rainbows and unicorns, not bothered what harm is done.