Maybe we should treat Leo Veruca the same when he comes over here. It seems that anything is acceptable in the eyes of the remainers when it comes to trying to humiliate the UK over us wanting our freedom from the euromafia. I'm surprised Boris has not woken up to find a horses head on his pillow. I'm sure you would find that very amusing
What a crazy inversion of reality:Boris acted in an offensive way to the EU with his arrogance and Bombast and futile threats, so the smallest nation in the EU humiliated him because he hadn't the guts to face a small crowd of hecklers.
Personally this indicates several things to me
The man is an idiot for behaving as he does
He is also a coward
Some leave campaigners will support him simply because he is allegedly on their side, no matter what a fool he makes of himself , and the damage he is doing to our national reputation.
They will actually imagine that they themselves are being humiliated??
How stupid is that?
You have got to be joking!
Boris got what he deserved and he was too cowardly to face a few hecklers.
What a weakling
And finally as I maintained earlier threats are not a way to conduct negotiations