Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
No. You didn’t read it all. I don’t know if you have now.

But the message is more stark than the usual generic groaner bingo nonsense you posted.

It’s all an act. He does the same speech all the time. The turning up late, forgetting who’s show it is etc. It’s the same with his hair. Or was. It’s all very sex pistols in the sense they used to put margarine on their faces to develop spots. He simply tussles his hair to prove ‘he doesn’t really care’

It’s all an act and that’s the scary thing. He pretends it’s all off the cuff but it’s strategised to nth degree. He wants you to think he’s an amiable fool.

If you had said that before I would have agreed you. But not now. Next time read it fully before commenting please.

Thank you.
I did explain but you were too thick to understand and you still haven't ,Boris's actions were not strategised. there was no plan.,he behaved exactly as any juvenile would.
Never mind, as I said you are not clever enough to understand.
Go back to playing with your toys, and do stop this nonsense about my not having read it, I did and as I pointed out understood it, something you were incapable of because or some strange reason you want to believe the imbecile planned a strategy in real time, when his actual performance was completely the opposite.
He failed utterly to fulfil the role he was there to fill, and turned it into a fiasco.

And it isn't the first time he has been allowed to play the jolly incompetent idiot card and get away with it
If you admire him for that then you are deluded, he will do something very counter productive sooner or later.

As a confidence trickster he is a failure as if he was any good at it he would not have had to resort to simply covering up his incompetence.
He simply emitted a smoke screen to cover his backside.
Not much of a con man really is he? his actual role is that of a "Fall Guy" as i pointed out earlier

The only reason he is being pushed into this position is to achieve a hard Brexit for his masters by deliberately cocking up negotiations, then he'll take the fall for it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 9, 2016
I did explain but you were too thick to understand and you still haven't ,Boris's actions were not strategised. there was no plan.,he behaved exactly as any juvenile would.
Never mind, as I said you are not clever enough to understand.
Go back to playing with your toys, and do stop this nonsense about my not having read it, I did and as I pointed out understood it, something you were incapable of because or some strange reason you want to believe the imbecile planned a strategy in real time, when his actual performance was completely the opposite.
He failed utterly to fulfil the role he was there to fill, and turned it into a fiasco.

And it isn't the first time he has been allowed to play the jolly incompetent idiot card and get away with it
If you admire him for that then you are deluded, he will do something very counter productive sooner or later.

As a confidence trickster he is a failure as if he was any good at it he would not have had to resort to simply covering up his incompetence.
He simply emitted a smoke screen to cover his backside.
Not much of a con man really is he? his actual role is that of a "Fall Guy" as i pointed out earlier

The only reason he is being pushed into this position is to achieve a hard Brexit for his masters by deliberately cocking up negotiations, then he'll take the fall for it.

Just quoting this.

Carry on.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 1, 2018
North Wales
Assuming BJ is our next PM how likely is he to form an electoral pact with NF once it becomes obvious even to him that the EU are not going to re open the withdraw agreement, and the HoC are not going to allow No Deal.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Assuming BJ is our next PM how likely is he to form an electoral pact with NF once it becomes obvious even to him that the EU are not going to re open the withdraw agreement, and the HoC are not going to allow No Deal.
Clowning won't help him then, but no matter, he will have completed the job he is paid for.
When we crash out without a deal the finger will point at him, he is after all the most Public "Useful idiot" available, and expendable.

He can't lose can he, not only is there the pension for life from us, but also there will be a nice compensation package from sources unspecified for him to look forward to enjoying in America.
Nigel will be out there too, when the lucrative retirement he had to delay because of unfinished business comes due.

And all the Quitlings who voted to leave will realised they were used to help foreign interests pull off the biggest heist in political history anywhere on the planet.

And how was is sold to them?
"Taking back control" the ultimate jest!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
And how was is sold to them?
"Taking back control" the ultimate jest!
BJ was sold on the belief that he'll 'put Farage back in his box'.
As if.
It's easier to fool somebody than to explain that they'd been fooled.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
you must read Jeremy Vine's story, very entertaining. The man can write.


Boris asked for a sheet of paper. Someone produced a piece of A4, the reverse side of our menu for the night. He laid it on his thigh, below the tablecloth.

“Anyone got a pen?” he said. “Quick!”

A biro slid across the table. Very quickly, taking it, the future Mayor of London and Foreign Secretary began to write what looked like a plan for a speech. It was now past nine-thirty. One of the organisers was staring at us imploringly from the other side of the room, as if thinking: “How much longer can we give him?” I felt that pricking of the skin again ― if I could sense the stress on his behalf, what on earth was Boris feeling? This was going to be a catastrophe. He was going onstage in a minute or two with barely-legible notes written on the back of a menu and no idea even of which event he was attending. An after-dinner speaker normally talks for twenty to thirty minutes. How much material did Boris have? Looking at the scrap of paper I could make out very little of what his scrawl said. There seemed to be about ten words. There was one at the very top that I could make out:


and then, a few inches below that, another in capitals:



Eighteen months after the marvellous securitisation night, I arrived at an awards ceremony for a totally different industry. I cannot recall whether it was concrete or chiropractors, but once again I had dutifully done my research and brought my script. However, the organisers had asked for only five minutes of opening remarks.

“Is someone else speaking?” I asked.

“Boris Johnson,” the organiser said, a frown appearing on her brow. “Do you know where he is?”

And here we were again. He was due to speak at nine-thirty. He arrived seven or eight minutes before the actual moment, heaving and laughing himself into the chair beside me.

“Jeremy,” he said, “what is this?”

I told him. Others at the table helped. Did they have a pen, paper? Both were produced. A better ballpoint this time, and the back of the menu again. I watched, fascinated, as Boris pulled the paper tight across his thigh and wrote a few words ― yes, SHEEP was definitely one ― in a barely-legible scrawl.

Then he was on.


Johnson became Foreign Secretary after leading the argument for Brexit. He has had his ups and downs ― before deciding that everything he does is part of a brilliant act, we should probably call as evidence his shambolic run at 10 Downing Street in the summer of 2016. His leadership campaign was kyboshed at the very press conference he had booked to launch it. MPs who turned up to support him sat with their jaws slack as he told the world he would not be able to do the job. Surely that was a real accident? People who fake car crashes tend not to get hurt in them.

And yet.

I realised that those two Boris speeches had made me pose the fundamental question, the one that concerns you most when you listen to a politician:

Is this guy for real?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
Why do you want to put Boris in a job you know he will fail miserably at doing, just a trick to ensure a "No Deal " Brexit to Let the Americans walk all over us is it?
That's not really a question now is it - it's more of a statement and full of assumptions.

I'm thoroughly looking forward to having Boris as PM. If the choice is him or Farage or Corbyn - then come on - seriously - you want one of the others?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
Boris's actions were not strategised. there was no plan.,he behaved exactly as any juvenile would.
OG the article clearly pointed to the fact that this was a 'method' he uses. The writer was amazed that at a second talk he did.... exactly the same thing. So though perhaps the first time he did it it was spontaneous - on finding out it worked he simply repeated it.

Now to me - so what - this was an after-dinner speech - one that he was brought in and paid to entertain - so I would think this would be the perfect format to deliver exactly what he delivered.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
brexit is fact
Right. We're not now going to have any second ref, this thing is going to be delivered - one way or another the EU played hard and fast and got rid of May and have now got the very person they probably least wanted - and they only really have themselves to blame.

Go Boris!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
you must read Jeremy Vine's story, very entertaining. The man can write.
I agree - he can indeed write.

I like his final question too: 'Is this guy for real?'

I guess we're all about to find out.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
BJ was sold on the belief that he'll 'put Farage back in his box'.
As if.
It's easier to fool somebody than to explain that they'd been fooled.
There is no doubt that Tory voters who have gone to Farage will come back when Boris is leader. This is where he has a clear edge over the likes of Hunt or Stewart.

Farage is the main challenger right now - he is the one who has to be dealt with.
