Brexit, for once some facts.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
i think it's a personality thing (she appear to enjoy some sort of sadistic control). However, i am deeply grateful to her for alienating HoC and appealing to the sentiments of the densest and most prejudiced part of the electorate. She runs a very real risk of replacing Grayling as my favouritest tory of all time.
You can see Theresa May as being a spoilt petulant child stamping her feet when she doesnt get her own way,'nothing has changed'.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Then do your own research, it`s a simple task?
Investigate the petitions own raw data.
You can do that by yourself, can`t you??

PS. Dan is correct....Again!!

{"links":{"self":""},"data":{"type":"petition","id":241584,"attributes":{"action":"Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.","background":"The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'. We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU. A People's Vote may not happen - so vote now.","additional_details":"","state":"open","signature_count":876045,"created_at":"2019-02-14T12:14:59.326Z","updated_at":"2019-03-21T13:06:25.323Z","rejected_at":null,"opened_at":"2019-02-20T10:25:02.393Z","closed_at":null,"moderation_threshold_reached_at":"2019-02-14T14:57:53.747Z","response_threshold_reached_at":"2019-03-18T13:26:30.257Z","government_response_at":null,"debate_threshold_reached_at":"2019-03-20T20:33:35.184Z","scheduled_debate_date":null,"debate_outcome_at":null,"creator_name":"Margaret Anne Georgiadou","rejection":null,"government_response":null,"debate":null,"signatures_by_country":[{"name":"Afghanistan","code":"AF","signature_count":3},{"name":"Albania","code":"AL","signature_count":3},{"name":"Algeria","code":"DZ","signature_count":3},{"name":"Andorra","code":"AD","signature_count":6},{"name":"Angola","code":"AO","signature_count":1},{"name":"Anguilla","code":"AI","signature_count":3},{"name":"Antigua and Barbuda","code":"AG","signature_count":3},{"name":"Argentina","code":"AR","signature_count":12},{"name":"Armenia","code":"AM","signature_count":1},{"name":"Australia","code":"AU","signature_count":2412},{"name":"Austria","code":"AT","signature_count":442},{"name":"Azerbaijan","code":"AZ","signature_count":4},{"name":"Bahrain","code":"BH","signature_count":11},{"name":"Bangladesh","code":"BD","signature_count":3},{"name":"Barbados","code":"BB","signature_count":8},{"name":"Belgium","code":"BE","signature_count":884},{"name":"Belize","code":"BZ","signature_count":4},{"name":"Bermuda","code":"BM","signature_count":42},{"name":"Bhutan","code":"BT","signature_count":2},{"name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","code":"BA","signature_count":4},{"name":"Botswana","code":"BW","signature_count":11},{"name":"Brazil","code":"BR","signature_count":46},{"name":"British Indian Ocean Territory","code":"IO","signature_count":1},{"name":"British Virgin Islands","code":"VG","signature_count":6},{"name":"Brunei","code":"BN","signature_count":7},{"name":"Bulgaria","code":"BG","signature_count":85},{"name":"Burma","code":"MM","signature_count":6},{"name":"Burundi","code":"BI","signature_count":2},{"name":"Cambodia","code":"KH","signature_count":12},{"name":"Cameroon","code":"CM","signature_count":2},{"name":"Canada","code":"CA","signature_count":1012},{"name":"Cayman Islands","code":"KY","signature_count":21},{"name":"Chad","code":"TD","signature_count":1},{"name":"Chile","code":"CL","signature_count":16},{"name":"China","code":"CN","signature_count":59},{"name":"Colombia","code":"CO","signature_count":13},{"name":"Congo (Democratic Republic)","code":"CD","signature_count":1},{"name":"Costa Rica","code":"CR","signature_count":1},{"name":"Croatia","code":"HR","signature_count":19},{"name":"Cuba","code":"CU","signature_count":1},{"name":"Cyprus","code":"CY","signature_count":143},{"name":"Czechia","code":"CZ","signature_count":217},{"name":"Denmark","code":"DK","signature_count":523},{"name":"Dominica","code":"DM","signature_count":1},{"name":"Dominican Republic","code":"DO","signature_count":2},{"name":"East Timor","code":"TL","signature_count":3},{"name":"Ecuador","code":"EC","signature_count":4},{"name":"Egypt","code":"EG","signature_count":20},{"name":"Estonia","code":"EE","signature_count":26},{"name":"Eswatini","code":"SZ","signature_count":2},{"name":"Ethiopia","code":"ET","signature_count":2},{"name":"Falkland Islands","code":"FK","signature_count":1},{"name":"Fiji","code":"FJ","signature_count":4},{"name":"Finland","code":"FI","signature_count":261},{"name":"France","code":"FR","signature_count":7354},{"name":"French Guiana","code":"GF","signature_count":7},{"name":"French Polynesia","code":"PF","signature_count":1},{"name":"Georgia","code":"GE","signature_count":8},{"name":"Germany","code":"DE","signature_count":3213},{"name":"Ghana","code":"GH","signature_count":3},{"name":"Gibraltar","code":"GI","signature_count":1077},{"name":"Greece","code":"GR","signature_count":318},{"name":"Grenada","code":"GD","signature_count":2},{"name":"Guadeloupe","code":"GP","signature_count":1},{"name":"Guernsey","code":"GG","signature_count":143},{"name":"Guinea-Bissau","code":"GW","signature_count":1},{"name":"Hong Kong","code":"HK","signature_count":411},{"name":"Hungary","code":"HU","signature_count":94},{"name":"Iceland","code":"IS","signature_count":25},{"name":"India","code":"IN","signature_count":37},
Whats wrong with those numbers....France ,Germany,Gibraltar and I suspect Spain will be full of expats or brits working away,those countries have the highest numbers.....what was the number for Russia?
Interesting that 2000 signed from North Somerset (Rees Mogg constituency),in Kent my constituency,Canterbury,was also high.
Will be interesting how high it reaches.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015

what are you banging on about now??!!

Ok, you haven`t been paying attention - the Gov petition website has been hacked to pieces - votes from every country in the world... and some with little or no internet to boot lol!!
Do keep up tommie that post has been superceded


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Theresa May says the public are fed up with Brexit and need it to come to a conclusion....I think most of the public agree with her.....except we dont agree with her escape route....her deal is dead,so that means an Art 50 short extension is dead....parliament have voted overwhelmingly against no what is left.
Seek a long extension with a second referendum ? or Revoke Article 50?
Not good choices for May.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
The government website cannot cope with the volume of says down for maintenance ......maybe a foresight of how government is prepared for no deal.
May is trying to keep the public away from a second referendum because she knows that remain will win easily and that will cause the ERG is stir up trouble in the conservative associations.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Is there any particular reason why you are so thick, or does it come naturally?
So how are all these UK nationals in North Korea going to vote?
there is just one from North Korea. It could well be spoofed by anyone willing to post a prank.
It's the big number that count. So far, 991,510 from GB out of 1,032,048 petitioners, 96%.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
The government website cannot cope with the volume of traffic....
No!!.. and it did sound so promising for the Losers....Oh Well..

EU referendum petition hijacked by bots

"I voted 33,000 times"

The government's petitions website does not appear to have a system in place to detect bots - such as a "captcha" picture that asks a user to recognise letters and numbers in an image, a task which is more difficult to automate.

"It seems like a huge oversight for a website designed to be used by so many people to lack simple protection," said Mr Ferguson.

Some members of the 4chan message board have claimed responsibility for the hijack.

"I voted 33,000 times. Left a script running while I was taking a shower," wrote one member.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
If the IT Crowd in the British Government are so inept, that they have not yet discovered geo locking, perhaps they need to talk with the BBC,SKY NOW and virtually every other commercial company who have made this a standard procedure.
Not often i agree with our Louth scribe but that about sums up these bunch of amateurs. These are the shower of half-wits that are in control of Brexit and they can`t even control the security of their own websites.

At this time our sympathies go out to Oyster, Woosh, Kudos etc ........ you were on a roll there guys

so sad..
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Is there any particular reason why you are so thick, or does it come naturally?
So how are all these UK nationals in North Korea going to vote?
Well done tommie, thicker than usual,do you imagine our embassy doesn't have internet access?
Truly you are getting worse, and didn't you read my posts? there is no way you can connect a typical leaver trick with remainers, yet you have, with no evidence this isn't a trick by the same idiots that run vote leave to excite the slow tinkers like you to react.
You don't have to prove some leavers are thick, we know.
By the way 5616 signatures on the petition in Corbyn's constituency right now
and 2,226 in TM's patch
1849 in Rees Moggs !
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Not often i agree with our Louth scribe but that about sums up these bunch of amateurs. These are the shower of half-wits that are in control of Brexit and they can`t even control the security of their own websites.

At this time our sympathies go out to Oyster, Woosh, Kudos etc ........ you were on a roll there guys

so sad..
You must be, not understanding what is going on as you do


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
No!!.. and it did sound so promising for the Losers....Oh Well..

EU referendum petition hijacked by bots

"I voted 33,000 times"

The government's petitions website does not appear to have a system in place to detect bots - such as a "captcha" picture that asks a user to recognise letters and numbers in an image, a task which is more difficult to automate.

"It seems like a huge oversight for a website designed to be used by so many people to lack simple protection," said Mr Ferguson.

Some members of the 4chan message board have claimed responsibility for the hijack.

"I voted 33,000 times. Left a script running while I was taking a shower," wrote one member.
Which disproved your lie that this is a remoaner plot, doesn't it? you really are easily led, aren't you?

4chan is an American message board and this guy was blatantly breaking it's rules
Here read this and educate yourself

Made a fool of yourself again haven't you? :D
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