And I think wind up toy nations such as Ireland and the majority of the other 27 will be wanting us back. These countries “dance a fancy jig” in return for the coins that the EU throw into their collection baskets. They are, to a significant extent, reliant on the positive monetary contributions that the U.K. makes. They don't like to admit it, but in reality, many of the EU 27 nations are nothing.
For instance, Malta? Mr Muscat, who incidentally I thought was Deputy Dawg's sidekick until the EU elevated him to a false high. A fraud telling the UK how it's going to be. Please, for goodness sake.
Anyhow, there won’t be as many coins to go around if Brexit is too hard, and Germany won’t want to fill the void because their economy will take a hit and money will be tighter for them too. They will not want to be rogered from both ends, so something will need to give.
These charity case nations, which make up the overwhelming majority of EU countries, will need to find a new mechanism of whoring for EU money. They need us, we need them and despite all the BS and the Guardian / Daily Mail terrifying headlines, a workable solution will happen. Whether that’s quick and official or a gradual softening of stance over time is the only unknown, but not much will change.