Brexit, for once some facts.


Oct 25, 2006
That sounds like this man's personal motto

Kalashnikov USA says it’s not violating sanctions because it’s cut ties to Russia and now sells guns of its own creation, assembled from parts made in the U.S. A closer look reveals an intricate web of interlocking shell companies, some set up since sanctions began, that connects Kalashnikov USA executives to top allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. One effective result of this could be that Kalashnikov Concern keeps access to the lucrative U.S. gun market while staying on the right side of sanctions. Before sanctions, the U.S. accounted for 90 percent of the company’s civilian firearms exports.
Well, got to keep the arms trade buoyant, it's in the interests of all the arms producing countries. Where would we all be without expensive means of delivering and causing explosions, it scarcely bears thinking about.

We'd have to produce cheap useful things like food, clothing and low cost homes.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Well, got to keep the arms trade buoyant, it's in the interests of all the arms producing countries. Where would we all be without expensive means of delivering and causing explosions, it scarcely bears thinking about.

We'd have to produce cheap useful things like food, clothing and low cost homes.
It's hard to imagine a society that lives in fear to the extent that there is widespread ownership of what are Military Grade Assault Rifles.

I posted this in support of your comments about the culture of continuous fear campaigns we are all subjected to, and led to the NRA sponsored candidate Trump getting into the White House.

"Behold the Monster they've created!"
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The latest Propaganda seems aimed at Russian Bots aiding the Brexit Campaign, fascinating that the Conservative Leave campaigners were doing the same things too via Cambridge Analytica.

How long before someone makes a connection somewhere between the two factions I wonder?


Oct 25, 2006
It's hard to imagine a society that lives in fear to the extent that there is widespread ownership of what are Military Grade Assault Rifles.
But it could just as easily happen here. If you're old enough like me, you'll remember that when we were young the idea of using a knife on another person was unthinkable. That was what dagos and spics did, no English person would or even could do something so cowardly.

And as for kicking someone when they were down on the ground, we'd die of shame if ever we did such a terrible thing.

Now both of those and worse are commonplace in England. If those guns became available no doubt they become common here too. The behaviour of populations needs governing and guidance, something that somehow escapes the Americans.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
But it could just as easily happen here. If you're old enough like me, you'll remember that when we were young the idea of using a knife on another person was unthinkable. That was what dagos and spics did, no English person would or even could do something so cowardly.

And as for kicking someone when they were down on the ground, we'd die of shame if ever we did such a terrible thing.

Now both of those and worse are commonplace in England. If those guns became available no doubt they become common here too. The behaviour of populations needs governing and guidance, something that somehow escapes the Americans.
You might have , flecc, lived by such standards, but they were not by any means universal. Don't forget the 39 million that our civilised father's killed between 39 and 45, . What has happened in the last few decades is an increase in recording and tabulating information, so things which were easier to sweep under carpets are now more open.
As well as that by any definition , human life is less valuable now than at anytime in our history.... There are 7billion of us, making us 3 times less valuable than when i was born.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I have a good friend in Vermont and he tells me hair raising stories about his neighbours and their guns "just in case the blacks come to take all our stuff, rape our children, we will be ready...". I don't know if you have ever been to Vermont but I have and I don't remember seeing a single person of colour the whole 3 days... My mother is racist. My grandmother when presented with my young French wife said: "She's very nice, for a catholic". I have always wondered where all the nasty catholics she had met before were hiding... o_O

Fear of the unknown and education play a great part I think.
Where are all the nasty Catholics hiding.... ??? Are you talking about my in-laws again?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Err..... but it`s ok for the government to spend the tax payers money, £9million of it on leaflets to every home setting out the case for Remaining in the EU??

When we in this simple republic have a referendum, and we are going into one now, there is an committee established by law, which sets out a booklet , agreed by representatives from both sides of the question which presents both sides of the arguement. The commission is usually chaired by a judge. This is funded by the state abd distributed to each viter. Individual political parties may of course generate their own material posters etc , but by law this cannot come from state funds


Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 13, 2013
Co. Down, N. Ireland, U.K.
there is an committee established by law, which sets out a booklet , agreed by representatives from both sides of the question which presents both sides of the arguement. The commission is usually chaired by a judge.
Achh... sure you guys have it all worked out to a T down there,
that would be far too complicated for them hallions over the water sure......

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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
When already affected they don't need telling.

Those who won't be told make it pointless telling them.

Those who already know don't need telling

The rest of us not at risk don't need telling.

So there's no point in the warnings, they're just scare stories.
I've got T2 diabetes, my wife's constantly nagging me every time I as much as looking at the patisseries or bannettes de tradition in the shop windows.


Oct 25, 2006
You might have , flecc, lived by such standards, but they were not by any means universal. Don't forget the 39 million that our civilised father's killed between 39 and 45, . What has happened in the last few decades is an increase in recording and tabulating information, so things which were easier to sweep under carpets are now more open.
As well as that by any definition , human life is less valuable now than at anytime in our history.... There are 7billion of us, making us 3 times less valuable than when i was born.
But I did post "here", in other words in Britain where we did largely behave to high standards. I deliberately included the offensive words Dago and Spic to emphasise the point you also make, that our attitude and behaviour towards other peoples was very different. And that was often not very far away, as you know only too well in Ireland.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I've got T2 diabetes, my wife's constantly nagging me every time I as much as looking at the patisseries or bannettes de tradition in the shop windows.
I’m sat next to a young lady on a train to London who is making a tremendous effort to become a T2 diabetic. For the past 100 miles there has been a constant conveyor of crisps, cakes, chocolate, pre-packed sandwiches and “fancy coffee” going into her face. Whilst the assault on her digestion system continues, she is feeding her brain with celebrity gossip & plastic tit mags, 4 to be precise.

These people are actually allowed to vote.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Oct 25, 2006
Just arrived in London flecc. We are neighbors now
Reminds me of when I was in the army long ago. On learning of where I was from squaddies from smaller places would often say, "Oh you're from London, do you know so and so?"

They never seemed to realise that the chance of my knowing a particular person out of some 8 millions was vanishingly small.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
On the subject of night knowing everyone
A quiz for you. which old fashioned tune do these words go to
"I dreamt that I died and to heaven did go
And where did you come from they wanted to know.
I said I come from Yorkshire!
St Peter did stare.
He said come right inside your'e the first one from there!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Reminds me of when I was in the army long ago. On learning of where I was from squaddies from smaller places would often say, "Oh you're from London, do you know so and so?"

They never seemed to realise that the chance of my knowing a particular person out of some 8 millions was vanishingly small.
I had a big enough problem knowing all kiwis and we were only about 3 million when I left, I feel your pain!
