Well, got to keep the arms trade buoyant, it's in the interests of all the arms producing countries. Where would we all be without expensive means of delivering and causing explosions, it scarcely bears thinking about.That sounds like this man's personal motto
Kalashnikov USA says it’s not violating sanctions because it’s cut ties to Russia and now sells guns of its own creation, assembled from parts made in the U.S. A closer look reveals an intricate web of interlocking shell companies, some set up since sanctions began, that connects Kalashnikov USA executives to top allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. One effective result of this could be that Kalashnikov Concern keeps access to the lucrative U.S. gun market while staying on the right side of sanctions. Before sanctions, the U.S. accounted for 90 percent of the company’s civilian firearms exports.
We'd have to produce cheap useful things like food, clothing and low cost homes.