Breakdown cover


Oct 27, 2006
Clay Cross, Derbyshire
I think it's Oobs who has the breakdown cover with ETA. Has anyone else taken out breakdown cover?

I'm with the AA for my car and I emailed them to see if an electric bike would be covered (I'm not thinking roadside repair here - more a lift home ;) )

I asked them specifically about an electric bike and their reply was:
"The scooter would be covered as long as it is motorised and not a pavement vehicle under the normal terms of your cover."

Hmmm. Well, that's a Yes as far as I'm concerned :)

It probably sounds a bit wimpy, but there are scenarios I can envisage e.g. getting stuck in the rain 15 miles from home with a bent wheel.


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
The ETA policy is quite good as they can also cover you for punctures. See their T&C's here

I would check with the AA what they mean by the term 'scooter' though. They could mean a vehicle that is taxed and insured. The last thing you want is an argument with the recovery driver whose just refused to take you home!