Bosch Purion display - not waterproof?


Jul 6, 2019
I have a Cannondale Neo Synapse 2, bought at Evans, Sheffield in July 2019. When it rains, the display shows condensation on the inside.

Does any one else have this fault?

Evans have been been notified but the reply was that they wondered if this was covered under the warranty. Hmmm..

Any advice/thoughts?




Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
id say that is splash proof but not water or air tight esp in heavy rain.

you can get covers tho and just bought one my self but id not worry about it unless it stops working and then should be replaced under the 2 year warranty.


Chris M

Dec 31, 2018
Mine got dunked in the River Severn along with the rest of my bike. Everything still worked but the Purion display had condensation inside it for a few months. Its fine now.


Jul 6, 2019
Thanks everyone. I'll take it up again with Evans. Seems strange as I don't think it's even showerproof. I'll investigate the cover - just in case. Thanks for that. IF it needs replacing under warranty I wonder about getting an Intuvia instead. ny opinions?

Best wishes,



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
I have a Cannondale Neo Synapse 2, bought at Evans, Sheffield in July 2019. When it rains, the display shows condensation on the inside.

Does any one else have this fault?

Evans have been been notified but the reply was that they wondered if this was covered under the warranty. Hmmm..

Any advice/thoughts?


Sadly, its apparently not uncommon on many displays in heavy ran to let moisture in. It gets talked about regularly....
Many riders cover them with cling film and/or have a plastic bag or two handy. For instance, my throttle is not water proof either and needs a thin bag.
I am not recommending this, but I split open my display, and except for a well protected air hole on the bottom, I sealed it really good, using that hole to draw a vacuum for testing, and that appears to prevent rain entering via the display glass , though I still put a bag over the throttle, as I cannot see a way to make it waterproof.
Maybe someone here has a good idea for an unprotected throttle?
Not having a guarantee for rain entry is pretty poor support IMHO from your supplier, and that tells a tale of their overall "Quality"!!
PS. This stuff I used for sealing, is totally brilliant, air drying, slightly flexible, clear and I feel very cheap for what you get, and if you are carefl, it is simply invisible in usage.
Just make sure you clean everything where glue will be used, before gluing with methylated spirits and wear throwaway rubber gloves, so no fingerprints causing a lack of adhesion!
Meths also cleans any not quite set silicone off as well.
Tube is about the same size as a large toothpaste tube. It also, provided you put the cap on securely, does not cure in the tube like bathroom sealant either, and with proper cleanliness, glues well.
Keep the cap thread clean before screwing in place.
Guessing only, one tube will last the average biker probably a year or so!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2017
Is not the issue simply condensation forming when the thing is chilled by the colder rain, rather than any inference about required to be "watertight"?

Complete sealing has its failings too, and needs to be done perfectly and reliably plus needs to be sealed with perfectly dried air or more typically nitrogen.
Unless perfect initially and maintained through life condensation will come back as the thing "breathes" in and out between being chilled like by rain, and heated from sun exposure.
In many ways IMO it is best left alone to vent as the designer no doubt intended and has provisioned a vent to allow any moisture to freely dissipate.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
Is not the issue simply condensation forming when the thing is chilled by the colder rain, rather than any inference about required to be "watertight"?

Complete sealing has its failings too, and needs to be done perfectly and reliably plus needs to be sealed with perfectly dried air or more typically nitrogen.
Unless perfect initially and maintained through life condensation will come back as the thing "breathes" in and out between being chilled like by rain, and heated from sun exposure.
In many ways IMO it is best left alone to vent as the designer no doubt intended and has provisioned a vent to allow any moisture to freely dissipate.
It was unclear to me if you were you addressin my comment, if so you may have missed my mentioning the "protected" hole I left unsealed underneath the unit, and which I also used for a vacuum check after sealing up the glass and case!
My LCD was incorrectly glued together at manufacturing. Maybe many are, I could not though say for sure....but quite a few get condensation inside them apparently.
So I did not seal the unit up completely, nor did I mention doing that.
I myself believe that with such a unit, a hole needs to be left to prevent air pressure from the sun's heat building up inside. Thus allowing it to eventually drive out any condensation, as warmed air is naturally expelled.
That has worked well now for me, for the best part of 2 years, summer and winter, without any condensation becoming visible. I even park my bike, chained up, outside, with a cover! It gets wind, rain cold and Sun 24x7!
But each to his own personal ideas, as I am sure you would agree!
Have a great day.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2017
It was unclear to me if you were you addressin my comment, if so you may have missed my mentioning the "protected" hole I left unsealed underneath the unit,
Not at all Andy, I was neither addressing your comment, nor had I missed the fact you have left it ventilated, but answering the OP.

Condensation as commented on has to be expected, so I suspect if referred back to Bosch IMO there would be zero chance of a warranty claim, though they might offer a goodwill exchange if that is their MO.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
Not at all Andy, I was neither addressing your comment, nor had I missed the fact you have left it ventilated, but answering the OP.

Condensation as commented on has to be expected, so I suspect if referred back to Bosch IMO there would be zero chance of a warranty claim, though they might offer a goodwill exchange if that is their MO.
Many thanks for your kind explanation.
There are so many here who are unfriendly and rude, you make a pleasant change, if I may say so! :D :D :D


Jul 6, 2019
A reply:
The Purion can allow condensation to build underneath the screen when there are rapid temperature changes or changes to air pressure where the bike is ridden and stored.

If this condensation does not clear by leaving the bike in a warm light filled area then please take the bike into a bike dealer for us to evaluate a warranty claim.

Please find here:

A tool to find your local Bosch bike dealers.

Best regards

Your Bosch eBike team
George Edem