I did quite a few miles yesterday also, really enjoyed the ride. My Nyon said I did 40 miles and when I got home and it copied my route to my mac, the Nyon website said I did 30 miles!!! So, does the Nyon get its miles from a GPS system or rotations of the wheel I wonder? I checked the wheel settings in the Nyon and although it was a tad out, it was not 25% out. Also, I have noticed on my last couple of rides, that the map starts to lose detail and it appears that I am travelling through nowhere, when you zoom out and back in, the map detail returns, so, perhaps a little bug there.
I cannot wait to get the iPhone app up and running so that I can see what else it is capable of, even if it is at a premium price? Has anybody with an android got it running yet and can tell us?
I have checked for updates and nothing yet.