I read just about every post here, including all new topics, and the only way your comment might every become true for me personally, is if I have missed them.There seem to be plenty of people having problems with Chinese manufactured products on the forum as well. At the end of the day each to their own.
So if you would be so kind as to post any and all links to those topics you are mentioning, supporting your thoughts, with regard to bikes of Chinese manufacture, I would be most grateful.
I am fully prepared to be wrong.
But even if true, Chinese bikes are still VERY CHEAP, are VERY easy to fault find, and VERY easy to repair or replace items if needed, from many different sources.
Bosch makes it extremely difficult for an owner of their products, to even get parts, also difficult for a LBS, even the ones selling Bosch products, apparently requiring that many parts are sent back to them for repair and replacement, at very high cost for the part, and weeks of waiting!
It was recently posted here on Pedelec, that an exchange Bosch motor, not only costs weeks of time waiting, but also 800 UK Pounds - HORRIFIC!
My last Chinese bike cost me just over 900 UK Pounds, including two batteries, many extras, delivery charges and import duties! I took delivery in 2017......Still very happy!
And as I pointed out, my Chinese bike, if it ever goes wrong, I can simply buy parts from the actual firm that supplies them, or even off ebay and other suppliers, as the parts are not talking digitally to each other and cutting motor power if I fart while riding, as Bosch apparently does!....
I am still at a loss as to why ANYONE buys Bosch products still today, as you would hope and expect at least, that the people on Pedelec and similar wanting to buy an e-bike, would do some simple market research before buying anything!
Not just for Bosch products.
So I am awaiting your list of Chinese Bike Failure topics as soon as you like.
Do remember, that Chinese manufacturers sell, in comparison to Bosch (also Chinese made parts apparently!) products, simply millions of them each year!
You may be shocked, but at a quick glance, I could not even see the name Bosch on the Wiki list of e-bike manufacturers, maybe Bosch hides under another name on that list, I simply do not know, but huge numbers they are not selling apparently!
List of electric bicycle brands and manufacturers - Wikipedia