Thanks Alan, that's very thoughtful of you: I've stayed in Shropshire many times in the past and absolutely agree: its a beautiful area (Shhhhhhhh!) - many fantastic views, and Hope Valley sounds idyllic

I think you're right & its time I revisited the area
On the Milton Keynes idea, an
article on the redway system suggests that the cycle ways, while innovative, are not ideal: the concept of "underpasses" is not convenient for normal bikes, nor optimum for ebikes, since frequent gradient changes would drain energy. The situation in Stevenage may be similar, with "sunken roundabouts" for bikes, though I'm not sure of that.
Still, that's not to say they're unsuitable for ebike events, and MK has good transport links and is quite central too. Doesn't have the reputation for being the most exciting place

but that may be undeserved, and who needs it anyway?

(don't answer that!).
On the subject of road use, if electric bikes are considered as part of a "sustainable development/living" idea (by any definition), then I guess in the end its not about how bikes/alternative transport should be "integrated" into existing developments, but how development itself should be done, or not

, which I suppose in the end boils down to people's mentality, "planners" in particular, and behaviour.
And whether or not its relevant or useful to link an electric bike event to such or not is, to me, an interesting question: what do others think? Its only a possibility, and I'm reconsidering its wisdom. I'd rather have an event in not too large a built-up area but also think, as halfmedley said, that it should be accessible to as many people & bikes as possible.
From what I've read, "new" towns like Stevenage, built in the 40's, were designed very much with cyclists in mind. I've not been there nor read much on it so I don't know how well they've succeeded, but it seems to me the plan was either very far-sighted, or that the demand for an alternative transport infrastructure is cyclical ('scuse the pun, not intended!), or maybe both.
I wonder what Gordon Brown & co. have planned for the new "new towns", and whether its any different or better?