Beware of dogs!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Yes, I tried this Tony, but it doesn't reaaly reduce the sound level that much though.
Sounds like that my airzound might be a bit faulty with the volume dial.
I wont take it back though as i got it for a song.
It was the last one, the box covered in dust and it had been their in the shop for 14 months.
The bike shop wanted to see the back of it and sold it to me for £10.


Jun 14, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
I don't think I've been chased by dog the last 8 years here, if you don't count them chasing you behind a fence, that is.

When I was a kid, I use to just pull my feet up and coast awhile. I think the dog breeds are somewhat more likely to be dangerous now though.

Fortunately perhaps, I've not encountered a husky muscular fighting type dog with a temper on the loose, to see if they are more determined to follow and take you down than the dogs of my childhood. As I recall, I was never bitten on my bicycle with method: pedal fast, put your legs up, and dog gives up eventually.

I think the worst thing that happened as an adult was riding a motorcyle I had at the time at about 40mph, and have two medium size dogs suddenly converge on my cycle from opposite sides of the road. They didn't get me, I didn't wreck, but they scared the crap out of me to say the least.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 20, 2007
Pedal like a m---f--- usually works, two times I can remember being chased by dogs (I'm sure there's more just nothing that sticks out in my memory), the first was years and years ago when I was coming home by a cycletrack where I'd forgotten "travelers" had set up camp near the point where I leave it to go home - the track became extremely muddy and suddenly a number of vicious barking dogs appeared from nowhere and all started going for my ankles so I pedalled like my life depended on it.
The second time was recently along a road I go through often, a small white "yappy" dog ran out and started chasing me so I sped up to fullspeed on my ebike, it couldn't keep up :D

I'm more worried about crashing into badgers than being chased by dogs, I love riding at night along quiet roads (countryside - almost all are quiet at night) & pathways, I've often had to stop or speedup to avoid badgers that suddenly run out into the path or are already there.
Funniest time there was a couple of badgers on the path so I stopped hard and one was about a meter in front of me with my front light shining brightly on it, the other had run off but one just stood there! so I pushed the bike forward with the front brake on to make it squeak loudly and it just made the young badger more curious, I did that twice but it didn't run away until I walked forward shuffling my feet on the ground.


May 10, 2007
Isle of Man
Having started the previous thread on dogs I now find that they are not my only 'wildlife' problem. I was out on the Suede this morning when a bee lodged in my helmet. When I hurriedly took the helmet off the bee showed its gratitude at liberation by stinging the back of my ear:eek: Just don't anybody suggest I wear a hairnet over my helmet!


Oct 25, 2006
Funniest time there was a couple of badgers on the path so I stopped hard and one was about a meter in front of me with my front light shining brightly on it, the other had run off but one just stood there! so I pushed the bike forward with the front brake on to make it squeak loudly and it just made the young badger more curious, I did that twice but it didn't run away until I walked forward shuffling my feet on the ground.
They only get scared by footsteps and the human shape or face, everything else intrigues them.

Some here on a page from my general website


Jun 14, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
The second time was recently along a road I go through often, a small white "yappy" dog ran out and started chasing me so I sped up to fullspeed on my ebike, it couldn't keep up :D
Yeah, many dogs are territorial, even the little yappy ones, that if you can get out of "their" territory, they will stop.

Of course, it's a pain in the rearend if that includes a roadway you frequent often.