Two for me.
The superb Recon 661.
My only criticism with this helmet is wind noise. It makes an odd noise, that makes you think that that there is a car right on your tail. It was disconcerting to start with, but now I don't tend to even notice it. The weight is good, the peak works well, and I like the extra protection that is offered by the extended sides/rear.
And the not so fetching unknown brand, night riding helmet. Clearly safety issues could be raised by the addition of the lights, but that's my choice. I'm forever whacking the top of cycle helmets on low hanging branches, which is why the light is side mounted. I shall be removing the centre mounted emergency back up light, as it was only fitted last night, and has already collected a debris of leaves!
The superb Recon 661.
My only criticism with this helmet is wind noise. It makes an odd noise, that makes you think that that there is a car right on your tail. It was disconcerting to start with, but now I don't tend to even notice it. The weight is good, the peak works well, and I like the extra protection that is offered by the extended sides/rear.
And the not so fetching unknown brand, night riding helmet. Clearly safety issues could be raised by the addition of the lights, but that's my choice. I'm forever whacking the top of cycle helmets on low hanging branches, which is why the light is side mounted. I shall be removing the centre mounted emergency back up light, as it was only fitted last night, and has already collected a debris of leaves!
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