When you've tried a few you may have queries, and that's a good time to ask to clear those queries up Frankie.
But some of the thinning out you'll do when you try them, for example:
When trying, some find they love crank drives, some hate them.
Seeing them in the flesh, you'll find some styles you greatly prefer.
And the way the various e-bikes operate will reveal some you much prefer and some you are unhappy with.
Those personal factors quickly reduce a large choice to a very small one, since it's what you will be happy with that counts the most.
But some of the thinning out you'll do when you try them, for example:
When trying, some find they love crank drives, some hate them.
Seeing them in the flesh, you'll find some styles you greatly prefer.
And the way the various e-bikes operate will reveal some you much prefer and some you are unhappy with.
Those personal factors quickly reduce a large choice to a very small one, since it's what you will be happy with that counts the most.