I have read most of this thread with much interest and I see where people are coming from. However I maybe a little contaversial in my views that directly affect the UK and may go a little off topic at times, sorry
I have lived in my little end of terrace 3 bed house since 1980 which was once a lovely community and have since over the years watched lovely fields of pasture land turned into housing estates.
With regards to the over population? I think nowadays it is all too easy to be a single parent in the Uk and claim benefits. Nowadays it is impossible for a single parent to get a job due to the benefits on offer. Rent, which is often an extortunate private rented price due to lack of council housing and over population. Council tax also gets paid etc. All it does is restrict people from working and this may not be their choice but just an impossibility as they cannot possibly cover the costs to get out of a rut and I feel this for the genuine people out there who have been forced into these circumstances and in this rut and is most often not their fault.
However there are far too many single parent teenagers in this country getting a free ride and I do feel somewhat aggrieved about that

This then results in overpopulation of the UK
I too was a single parent after my divorce back in 1981 and the social security benefits were very little then and I did various pin money jobs to keep our heads above water. However, I resumed full time work when my youngest started school as I wanted a better standard of living and since then I have done just fine.
The UK are also opening the doors to people from all over Europe in order that they may work and keep the Uk going with regards to jobs but I feel there are far too many brits not bothering to work at all, okay, I am passionate about that,

. I just feel people are flocking to the UK but people from the UK are not flocking to other parts of the EU, although I wouldn't mind Spain myself?
I think we should also look after the almost extinct animals on our planet and not just in the Uk. However, I did watch a very interesting programme on the Red Squirrel recently which is I feel close to the heart of the UK and they are protected by individuals supporting them and offering a sanctuary.
I am simply passionate about the Uk and the way it has changed over the years and kind of wished that we had stood alone. Okay that may not have been great for the economy.
I guess I think when the world does come to an end then all of us guys won't be around to see it but does not stop us feeling passionate about how things could be done better but we are not going to make much difference unfortunately, just wish we could?