I hope you didn't pay a lot for that. It's normal to get sparks when you join the battery because there's that big capacitor across the battery wires.
Thick red and thick black = battery
Thick yellow, blue and green = motor
Thin red is = ignition (goes through switch to thick red)
Red, green and black = throttle (make sure your throttle has the same sequence before connecting)
Black and white = brake switch
Thin green = probably battery voltage for meter/LEDs
Thin whites = probably speed restricted when joined.
Yellow = probably alternative for high (5v) brake switches
185 rpm is 185 rpm at 36v. If you were 1 kg, it wouldn't spin any faster. Fully charged, your battery might hold 41v for a bit, so the absolute maximum the motor will go is 185 x 41/36 rpm = 210 rpm.
That equates to a speed of 16.87 mph in a 28" wheel. Power will ramp down rapidly from something like 13 mph.
When your battery is run down, those speeds will be 75%, so power will drop down from 10 mph and max speed will be 12 mph.