I have a BBS01 unit, since approx. September 2014. Bought from Woosh.
In total I have covered 4800 km, or close to 3000 miles. Most of this is commuting to/from work, in all types of weather in Denmark.
Around 3000 km, the unit started to develop some noises and vibrations. I tried to regrease the final gear using lithium-moly grease several times to solve this. Without luck.
The noise got worse until I had covered between 4200-4400 km. Then I stripped the unit down, regreased with mobil-28 grease. This cleared all noises and most of the vibrations.
I found that some lithium-moly grease had gotten in next door to the nylon gear. Not much, but clearly visible on the nylon gear's teeth. Besides that, the nylon gear was in mint condition without any signs of wear.
Most of the original grease on the nylon gear had left the gear, due to rotational forces.
The most disturbing thing I saw when stripping the motor down, is that the rubber seal that protects the compartment with the nylon gear from water was assembled incorrectly. Consequentially, water had gotten into this compartment (visible water drops near the broken seal), with clear signs of corrosion near the leak, and some minor on the stator and rotor.
In your shoes, I would leave the unit as is. If it starts to develop signs of lack of grease, i.e., noises and vibrations, then consider stripping it down.