My Panda Pro kit's battery, bought from BGA isn't charging. I wondered why only 3 lights on the battery case lit up.
It was fine until I stopped using it about 6 weeks ago, and since then it's been stored on the bike, with one charge during the lull.
The bike worked fine last week when I took it out on a test ride, so that's OK, it just isn't charging with a charger I've used before with it, and that has just charged up my Oxygen without issue.
Any tips or ideas?
It was fine until I stopped using it about 6 weeks ago, and since then it's been stored on the bike, with one charge during the lull.
The bike worked fine last week when I took it out on a test ride, so that's OK, it just isn't charging with a charger I've used before with it, and that has just charged up my Oxygen without issue.
Any tips or ideas?