You say the voltages appear okish for each cell,Here we are again NeilH and d8veh.
I must relate this incredible tale first. I have looked all over for triangular screwdrivers but haven't been too impressed with the prices, some of them you'd need a mortgage. However, I finally got around to Amazon and found a set of four for about £11 plus some postage. I was very busy at home so put off the ordering. Today, in town, I wandered into Poundland to discover a set of 30 screwdriver bits with a driver, two of the bits were triangular and yes, one fitted my battery screws. They're actually a fairly robust set and took out the eight screws without bother, whatsoever.
Okay, back to the battery. There were 40, CGR18650CG, cells in all and all reasonably accessible to check the voltage. 36 cells measured 4.1 volts while 4 cells came out at 3.9 volts. Now this leaves my more baffled than when I started as I can't believe so less a value for just 4 cells would cause my problem, battery power dropping out after a hundred yards of very gradual acceleration?
The measured output voltage from the battery was 41 volts which I assume would be normal for a rated battery of 36 volts not under load.
There is a small circuit board inside the inner case, it is very well made and no obvious signs of poor soldering or broken components.
I would love to find a way to sort this bothersome problem but getting myself psyched more and more for a new battery.
If anyone has more ideas to explore then do shout.
Thank you again.
Pic 1 and 2 wrong way roundGood example of voltage sag from a fully charge LG 18650 that is failing.
Perfect off load voltage in pic 1
Now check the battery symbol once I had fired it for 4 secs
Excuse poor focus as it wouldn't lock on through the plastic screenView attachment 19461
View attachment 19459
Okay folks, good news tonight, though my wallet, a hell of a lot lighter. I have bought a 15.6 amp/hour lithium battery from Ebay and it was delivered today mid morning. Read some do's and dont's from the supplier, then put it to charge for a few hours.Pic 1 and 2 wrong way round
Okay folks, good news tonight, though my wallet, a hell of a lot lighter. I have bought a 15.6 amp/hour lithium battery from Ebay and it was delivered today mid morning. Read some do's and dont's from the supplier, then put it to charge for a few hours.
My last battery, a 9 amp/hour came with a dedicated rear carrier so I had to do some mods to make the new battery fit and make secure. Nice job actually!
Rained all bloody day here but a small window at about half four and was able to get my new bike rig out for a road test. Bloody hell! What a spanking new battery does! Just outside my village is a short hill and have 'helped' the old battery, in the past, with a bit of pedalling since last year.
Determined not to stress the new battery I was ready to physically pedal for a few hundred yards but no worries the bike simply took it in its stride and flew up the hill, no problem.
Once again for the good folk who pointed me in the right direction, that my old battery was knackered and simply needed new. Job done!
I'm going to break up the old battery as some cells are probably okay and can run my Cree torches for a season or two.
Cheers all!
If when you put your bike in the lowest assist level and cycle gently along a flat road the battery stays on, but if you then put the bike into a higher/highest assist level and give it some welly the battery dies/cuts out, it likely is a knackered/sagging battery.E Plus Folding Electric Bike and with rear battery from Argos and it has been at least 3-4 year since I bought it.
Battery is cutting out and turning itself off, but after switching the battery off and on again it shows full charge.
Battery type is Li-ion Battery 24V/7Ah
Hi,If when you put your bike in the lowest assist level and cycle gently along a flat road the battery stays on, but if you then put the bike into a higher/highest assist level and give it some welly the battery dies/cuts out, it likely is a knackered/sagging battery.
Many of the lower-cost 24v e-life, e-plus, e-whatever folding bikes use this direct replacement style of battery. If your battery looks different, you'll need to post a picture.
What you see in the suppliers pictures is exactly what you get; a brand new replacement battery with nearly 50% more capacity, giving you nearly 50% more range. That's because they're using higher capacity cells. By "without shell" they mean it slides into your existing carrier; it doesn't include the mounting/carrier/frame part which is already on your bike. If in any doubt, ask them....my battery exactly like that on the images.