In England and within the English language, we have a quaint little procedure called comprehension. This is where you read a passage of text, process the information and understand its meaning.
If you re-read my original post, you will see that I wrote that terrorists are using refugees and migrants for cover to smuggle themselves into countries. Using basic comprehension techniques, it is possible to deduce from this that the migrants and refugees are innocent, but a very small number amoungst them are neither migrant or refugee. This small number of people are in fact terrorists.
Your bad comprehension has lead you to misinterpret this, resulting in you drawing an incorrect parallel. "Right wing types suffer chronic importance" implies that all right wing types suffer thus condition. This is the same as saying that all migrants and refugees are terrorists. That has never been suggested.
With such bad comprehension skills, I don't think it is fair on others for you to continue in this debate. Clearly your deficiency in this area is causing you to take people's words entirely out of context. I'm sure there will be some form of English out-reach project in your area where you can brush up on this sort of thing.