It's quite easy to check the motor connectors, which are under the finned cover, so you have to remove that first. That exposes the controller. While you're there, check that no water has got in, the battery connector is OK and the big capacitor doesn't have a bulge in the top. Any of those things could cause your problem.yes could be an electrical problem as that is exactly what it sounds like, like a grinding and the gears aren’t catching eachother but i will try that also tomorrow before i cycle to work.
Now if it is an electrical problem i know absolutely nothing about fixing bike batteries so should i buy a new motor completely as i have called up 5!! sounding bike shops and none of them work on bafang batteries as they say they cant do anything to do with there internal diagnostics.
Is there any special bafang fixers haha or am i screwed lol, and again thank you for all the help seriously !!
Bafang M560 controller 48V 750W/500W for BBS, ebike batteries, Bafang M620, Bafang M600, Bafang M500, Bafang M510, KT controller with