That's interesting. It looks like you might have a few problems to solve.
1. To test the hall sensors, it's best to use the controller because sometimes they need a pull-up or pull-down resistor That's on the controller's pcb. Other times they have their own one either on the halls sensor pcb or included in the hall sensor package. Just connect it all up and switch on so that the 5v comes to the pcb, then you can test that the three signals switch on and off when you turn the motor. Sometimes one hall sensor is oriented different to the other two, so check that the 5v and ground tracks go to the right leg of the replaced one.
2. When a hall sensor goes and you give the motor full power, it's likely that a MOSFET in the controller will blow. Your measurements seem to indicate that's what's happened.
3. You should be able to feel the clutch working in the motor when you rotate the wheel backwards and forwards, so you need to get in in your hand and test that it's working. If you hold the middle, the outside should only rotate in one direction. It normally sits on a key in the axle, though some have a spline, so check also that it is actually fixed to the axle so that the centre doesn't rotate on it (key missing or broken).