Hello! My ecotrike fat wheel has been a beast for a year but has started to need replacement parts because of my poor maintenance.
It is a rear wheel hub and the electric is not an issue.
The main issue I have right now is my bike will not pedal like a normal bike. I can use it with the motor but if I try to use the pedals it wont grab the wheel. It doesnt seems like anythings wrong with the freewheel and the chain works. Its like the wheel can not get pulled by the pedals but the hub works perfect.
Any thoughts or helpful comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
It is a rear wheel hub and the electric is not an issue.
The main issue I have right now is my bike will not pedal like a normal bike. I can use it with the motor but if I try to use the pedals it wont grab the wheel. It doesnt seems like anythings wrong with the freewheel and the chain works. Its like the wheel can not get pulled by the pedals but the hub works perfect.
Any thoughts or helpful comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.