Away awhile. What is the best £599 bike these days?


Just Joined
Apr 8, 2008
£600 bikes

I tried out the Synergie Mistral and the Powacycle Salisbury today- both seem to be good bikes.

The Mistral has slightly more power, but maybe the Salisbury looks more sturdy...

I'm not yet sure which to go for!

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
New Wispers

Hi folks
does anybody know when the new wisper web site will be up and running as i would like to feast my eyes over the new 905se:D also looking forward to the new powarbykes coming out soon i would hope they will be a different design and a lot lighter:) nigel.
Hi Nigel

Here is the link to the new 905 details.

Works 905e

Best regards David