Average speed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 9, 2010
Following on from the thread raging about de-restricted bikes, I was checking through all my sat nav logs from my bikes.

As I stated in the thread I can indeed hit about 40mph leaving my village and I can hit 27 on a certain cycle path on the flat in Grangemouth, albeit for only a few hundred yards, then my lungs and legs scream at me.

It doesn't seem to matter what my top speed for a trip is, my average speed on each trip for the last 2 years has been between 14 and 16mph on my Kudos.

On my non electric Merida I've a slightly slower average.

The conclusion I've come to is, I need to put more effort in.

Does anyone have a higher overall average speed using a standards e-bike?

john h

Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 22, 2012
murthly castle estate
mines about same jimod ,that is why i set my assist speed higher, it was putting me of my stride at 15mph.]i am one of those people who walk at a fast pace most people have to run to keep up with me, if i walk slower i tend to get tired [,strange i know]

Deleted member 4366

Yep, that's definitely too fast. If a fluffy mother rat jumped out from behind the sea wall, you wouldn't be able to stop in time, so, after you squished it, its babies would die as starving orphans. And worse still, you're hurting my feelings by making me feel inadequate because I can't pedal that fast. I think about 10mph would be better.

Don't forget to wear a hi-vis jerkin and knee and elbow protectors as well as your helmet at those speeds (10mph).

Seeing as you asked, Andrew from Oxygen can do a faster average speed on a standard Oxygen Emate bike. He did about 20mph up Park Street in Bristol. If you see him on the road, don't try and race him because you'll end up looking silly. That's another reason to stick to the 10mph in case he thinks you want to take him on.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 9, 2010
Seeing as you asked, Andrew from Oxygen can do a faster average speed on a standard Oxygen Emate bike. He did about 20mph up Park Street in Bristol. If you see him on the road, don't try and race him because you'll end up looking silly. That's another reason to stick to the 10mph in case he thinks you want to take him on.
What would his average be over a distance though? My rides vary from 15 to 45 miles but my average is always about the same.

I seldom race anyone, I think I look silly enough without attracting attention to myself. ;)


Dec 12, 2010
Having been ebiking for 5 years, my average ride distance is 20 - 45miles and I average 12 - 13mph - recently nearer the 13mph following upgrade to Neo Carbon. I like to smell the roses on the way!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2012
Over longer distances or with hills / traffic that's upper end average for a standard 250W bike without racing it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
my average is 14 mph, but I do a lot of pottering with a 6 year old setting the pace. oh and 40,000 feet of climbing.


Oct 25, 2006
My averages have been no better over the years Jim, and they are very much affected by the e-bike. Over several thousands of miles on the Giant Lafree 12 mph was the norm, but on the two eZee bikes 15 to 16 mph averages were more common.

Territory didn't make much difference, hilly riding producing similar averages to flat riding, which could be due to my letting a bike have it's head downhill, not wasting energy through braking so compensating for lower climb speeds.

Electrifying Cycles

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2011
The bike I use to commute (when I can) normally results in an average speed of just over 17.5mph. I have averaged this on two different bikes one Bosch and a bike with a panasonic hub drive. However my commute is a bit longer than 5 miles thus my average is going to be a bit more than most.


Sep 14, 2009
Can you now claim that your demonstrator bikes are " never raced or rallied", Dave???

17.5 mph over 5+miles means the old quadriceps are still a pretty getting a pretty good work out

cheers Barry C.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2011
19-22mph average usually, it would be more but there are lots of traffic lights around here in the centre of Manchester. :p