it is 10 years old plus, no one knows how old they are they have been there that long and am amazed it has lasted this long.
when the guy from lcx came out i asked him if that was normal for these inverters and said no and even said it is not right and said would ask his supervisor for a new inverter, i hope he gets sacked.
i dont really care about the export fee as i dont get it anyway but im not having a ticking time bomb above my head that could burn my house down.
like you said it should be exporting and it is clear as day it is not and the meter on the wall for the inverter is not moving much at all so it is def not exporting wtf it is going idk.
if i recap it i should be able to fix it same as a amp or power supply ect even my net work switch has a service life like 8 years.
tho it depends how much the caps are and if they will leave it with me to have ago as better than land fill and can stick it in me shed and get some more panels.
if it aint got no power it wont be able to store the password i just need to remove the back up batt and im in