You, if we take that at face value, could be the next downhill world champion,
This is my lunchtime ride yesterday

The big opportunity for regen is that 1.2 mile downhill stretch "Clay Bank", but I can pretty much get down it without touching my brakes - the Roadies seem to go down it no problem with no brakes

Clay Bank from Great Broughton
Distance 1.2 miles Max Gradient 8% Where do you find it? Take the B1257 signposted Great Broughton/Helmsley at the roundabout near Stokesley. The climb starts about a mile after going through Great…

"....The surface is good, if a little heavy and as a descent it is one of the best in the area, one where you can just let the brakes off, not worry about junctions or sharp bends and just concentrate on picking a smooth line and getting aero. In fact it is quite easy to maintain this all the way to Great Broughton with minimal pedalling effort. The heavy surface which seems to drag a little against your tyres on the ascent gives reassuring grip while going down..."
I certainly don't "get aero" !
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