The bike is okay for the money, Its hard comparing it from my diy build.
But it's of good build quality, lcd is a nice touch
Suspension is poor and also brakes which I will replace shortly I've done 25mile on canal towpath, mainly me pushing on level 1 and two towing two kids in a trailer still got half a battery.
Gears are actually very good(7 gears) , gear 1 isn't too light as on some bikes
Bike is lightweight and even
But it's of good build quality, lcd is a nice touch
Suspension is poor and also brakes which I will replace shortly I've done 25mile on canal towpath, mainly me pushing on level 1 and two towing two kids in a trailer still got half a battery.
Gears are actually very good(7 gears) , gear 1 isn't too light as on some bikes
Bike is lightweight and even