I had an intresting discussion with my dad today as we drove around the elephant and castle in his car, he being a motorist didn't know that it has a cycle lane running around the outside roads that keeps cyclists out of the deadly mess. We also spotted around 15 cyclists ignoring the cycle route and putting themselves in danger without any need(that's just in the minute or so going around it by car at 8pm). My dad's reaction went from "this road is totally unsafe for you to cycle, tfl should do something about it..." to "so they have a safe route they just don't use it, idiots", he also went on to say more cycle paths should be on the pavements and pointed out some roads that "have huge pavements" as our last holiday we visited Cologne which has them in the middle of pavements and cycling is very safe, he said it might be dangerous for pedestrians but not as life threatening as a truck to a cyclist and people will just learn to listen for bike bells as he did in about 30min of walking in Cologne.
As for the speed discussion above lots of cycling safety-ish campaigners are using what has happened to get a boost on some agenda they had been pushing before. Most who want the speed of cars reduced to 10mph in areas are just people who hate cars and know it would force them off the road. It's easy to spot that it isn't a cycle safety drive when they want the speed on motorways(on which cycling is illegal) cut also.
I think the London cyclist evolution is much different to the other cyclist evolution. I'm with the point that cycling has always been a hobby or sport BUT the London cyclist is purely from money(or the lack of it) and it is all about saving money against the cost of the tube or buses or congestion charge or gym or whatever. Lots of cyclists after the first month or 2 enjoy it but lots don't and so ride about with the start point of "this pile of junk owes me £££ and I will ride it so I'm not paying the tube". The riding style then comes from a number of factors, those switching from a car to a bike will have picked up lots of London cyclist tips from observing the worst of cycling from jumping lights they had been sat at too taking gaps they can't, now they cycle them things won't matter, those switching from a bus will learn from other cyclists on the road as watching others go unchecked rubs off on you, those switching from the tube have never seen the surface so do whatever they want. Many will ask the staff in halfords or evans the important question "what do I need to be a safe cyclist?" and be told "we have high vis and helmets and lights, lots of cyclists buy these". That's just about it, £200-300 hybrid bike with £50 of safety gear and you can't be killed, you can't even have a car crash like they showed you in the driving lessons as you don't drive so win win.