My drive home from work takes me over several miles of rural single track road with passing places. Today I got stuck behind a lycra clad "pro" who ignored several passing places including a couple large laybys (unfortunately on his side of the road)and kept me behind him for a couple of miles . It was mostly down hill and he was doing about 25-30 mph so there was no way I was going to try to overtake, the road really is narrow. He knew I was there and I was , stupidly as it turned out, expecting him to show a bit of courtesy and slow down at one of the passing places to let me get past.I'm a bit embarassed to say that I gave him a blast on my horn as I eventually passed him. To me this is the sort of behaviour (his not mine!) that gives cyclists a bad name and we all get tarred with the same brush. I'd be interested to know what anyone else, as a cyclist , would have done in that situation . I know that I would have let me past, if you see what I mean