Hi everyone, my name is Joe and I'm getting into electric bikes. I've not cycled since I was a teenager - really never liked it because of the hills where I live in Devon! I just won an e-bike on eBay, an Alien of some description, and yesterday cycled it 12 miles or so back from Plymouth to Tavistock for a test.
The drive system is very dicky. I've heard a lot of people talking about batteries cutting out etc, but I'm not sure this is actually what's happening. Definitely prepared to replace the battery if I can find one. It does cut out, but it's intermittent. Of those 12 miles I got 4/5 miles with assistance, off and on, and I just have to wait 20 seconds or so, fiddle with the on switch etc. Many times it will just flash the throttle LEDs and die. But eventually it will kick in and offer assistance for anything between a couple or yards and a couple of miles... Very inconsistent.
Since the battery itself seems to be holding charge okay for its age (2011, mostly unused in that time apparently), this almost sounds like a short or a controller issue. Touch the throttle and it will immediately cut. Leave it on assistance and it can fly along just fine. Talked to my friend who runs a UAV/drone shop, and he seems to thing this is the case too.
If anyone can help identify the model that would be very useful!

Overall I'm pretty chuffed. It was only £128 and even if a new battery is £200 or so it's still a bargain. She rides fine and, though it's like cycling a whale up hills unassisted, when the motor does work it's a scream.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm really excited to get my geek on with these things!
The drive system is very dicky. I've heard a lot of people talking about batteries cutting out etc, but I'm not sure this is actually what's happening. Definitely prepared to replace the battery if I can find one. It does cut out, but it's intermittent. Of those 12 miles I got 4/5 miles with assistance, off and on, and I just have to wait 20 seconds or so, fiddle with the on switch etc. Many times it will just flash the throttle LEDs and die. But eventually it will kick in and offer assistance for anything between a couple or yards and a couple of miles... Very inconsistent.
Since the battery itself seems to be holding charge okay for its age (2011, mostly unused in that time apparently), this almost sounds like a short or a controller issue. Touch the throttle and it will immediately cut. Leave it on assistance and it can fly along just fine. Talked to my friend who runs a UAV/drone shop, and he seems to thing this is the case too.
If anyone can help identify the model that would be very useful!

Overall I'm pretty chuffed. It was only £128 and even if a new battery is £200 or so it's still a bargain. She rides fine and, though it's like cycling a whale up hills unassisted, when the motor does work it's a scream.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm really excited to get my geek on with these things!