They sometimes have smaller than these:
That really long, wide, thick and strong ratcheting tie down I found on the road fallen off a lorry could be just the job? It looks long enough to go around both front and back, maybe I could simply dispense with the end bars? Plus another tie down, under the trailer and over the box, to hold the box down - Bob could be my uncle and Fanny my aunt.AS for fixing the front and rear walls, If i cant knock up some reasonable brackets i will just go without until the box comes off for any reason.. the box itself should? substitute for any structural input the end walls contribute, or so i guess..
It's this one, I think. Could well go around the trailer, between and around the side bars, and box twice.That really long, wide, thick and strong ratcheting tie down I found on the road fallen off a lorry could be just the job?
With v-brakes, I don't think my stopping power is good enough for the trailer to jacknife. The Homcom manual recommends a slow speed, the fastest I'll go fully loaded is 9mph. Keeping far enough from the kerb takes getting used to initially, as does going further out before turning corners. With heavy loads, shallow falls and small rises on the road surface can slow down and speed up the trailer a little, changing your bike's speed. A trailer carrying that big box will get you noticed by big SUV, van and lorry drivers - a flapping flag and pole waving about nearer their eye level increases visibility of course. It's nuts how close drivers used to zoom by before installation of the Siderating Illumimaker™.braking suddenly when towing a load worries me tbh, of course i would cycle defensively trying to avoid possible situations that require sudden braking but even so..
If too noisy, you can always do what I'm planning: get a street trader's license to sell ice cream - the box would no longer be empty, embedded peltier plates powered by the ebike battery could keep the box cool, and I'd meet lots of fat girls. They might be thin at first, when they initially become intrigued to discover the audio properties of the rolling box/trailer combo now..