My Agattu has done over 600 miles since I bought it but the battery is less than satisfactory. When new I did the two full discharge cycles and the range was measured at around 37 miles using my journey to work. This was all done in high powered mode as I don't particularly like arriving at work sweaty. The gearing was too low for me so I fitted a 18 tooth sprocket - I knew the range would be reduced but my return journey is only 20 miles. I didn't do a range test but found that at the end of the day I would have 1 or 2 bars left - all this in high powered mode. I have watched the leds go out earlier and earlier on my journey and now do it all in mid power except for the last hill on the way home. Now I consider myself lucky if I have 1 bar left on the battery - it is quite often flashing. One other thing, 50 cycles advised in a previous post that if you hold down the battery button until all the lights go out they will re-light showing the capacity (I think) of the battery - this can be done whether the battery is fully charged or not. All the bars used to light up but now only 4 of the 5 bars light - does this means it now has only 80% of the original capacity? Has anybody else experienced any decline in battery performance? This is all depressing as one of the main reasons for swapping to the Agattu was because of all the battery problems I was having with the Torq, but history seems to be repeating itself. I have yet to talk to 50 cycles and I know from experience that I will lose the battery for two weeks while it is tested so I will have to wait for a convenient time. Everybody seems so happy with their Kalkhoffs that I wonder if it just a one off duff battery.