Hello! I'm a complete newbie to e bikes and am considering buying an e bike...
I haven't ridden my old Ridgeback hybrid since the late nineties and later became very unwell with CFS/FM in 2002. I have moderate to severe chronic pain and fatigue with asthma and osteoporosis. I have pretty much given up driving due to medication side effects but bus services around Hampshire countryside are few, expensive and take forever. I have no local train station either so desperate to get some of my independence back and get out of my village to sight see, shop a bit and to hopefully get fitter without exhausting myself. E bikes sound like a real answer.
I really love the idea of using an e bike and have read some posts from other members who also have ME/FM etc. which has given me some confidence. I know we are all very different but I should love to hear about your experiences with e bikes from those who have ME/FM. And whether it is even safe for me to ride.
I have really enjoyed reading this forum in the last few weeks and it seems like a really friendly and helpful community here. Thank you!
I haven't ridden my old Ridgeback hybrid since the late nineties and later became very unwell with CFS/FM in 2002. I have moderate to severe chronic pain and fatigue with asthma and osteoporosis. I have pretty much given up driving due to medication side effects but bus services around Hampshire countryside are few, expensive and take forever. I have no local train station either so desperate to get some of my independence back and get out of my village to sight see, shop a bit and to hopefully get fitter without exhausting myself. E bikes sound like a real answer.
I really love the idea of using an e bike and have read some posts from other members who also have ME/FM etc. which has given me some confidence. I know we are all very different but I should love to hear about your experiences with e bikes from those who have ME/FM. And whether it is even safe for me to ride.
I have really enjoyed reading this forum in the last few weeks and it seems like a really friendly and helpful community here. Thank you!
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